    Vertical packaging machine send membrane and encapsulation mechanism design
    Abstract:Packer is a kind of processing equipment commonly used in modern industrial . According to the requirement of automatic candy packer, the overall mechanism design and calculation of the packer were accomplished in this paper. Both the functions of delivering and packaging were realized in this design, by which packaging and sealing were done in the process of food delivering.
        The overall design scheme of vertical packer was carried out on the basic of the research on the conveying and packaging scheme.  The chain wheel is driven by motor, the film is fed by the drum that is connected with chain wheel. The double reduction gearbox connected with the chain wheel is applied to medium sealing device.. To achieve end sealing process, the closing and opening of end seal heating device is realized through the process that the cylinder pushes a piece of plate to press another piece of plate.
    Keywords: Packer; Gear reducer; medium seal; End seal; Transmission chain; Heating roller
    1 绪论    1
      1.1 课题介绍    1
      1.2 选题背景    1
      1.3课题研究的意义    2
      1.4 国内外发展现状    2
        1.4.1 国外发展现状    2
        1.4.2 我国发展现状    2
    2 立式分装机的方案设计    3
      2.1 包装机械的组成    3
      2.2 送膜机构的设计    4
      2.3 分装机封口装置及传动机构的设计    4
    2.3.1封口装置的选择    4
    2.3.2传动机构方案    5
      2.4 分装机辅助设备的选择    6
    2.4.1 供送装置选择    6
    2.4.2 切断装置    6
    3 立式分装机结构设计    6
      3.1卷筒的设计计算    6
    3.1.1电动机、减速器的选择    6
    3.1.2卷筒机构链传动设计    7
      3.2中封装置设计    10
    3.2.1加热辊的转速计算    10
    3.2.2减速器的设计    10
    3.2.3电动机的选择    11
    3.2.4确定传动装置的总传动比和分配传动比    11
    3.2.5计算传动装置的运动和动力参数    11
    3.2.6设计V带和带轮    12
    3.2.7 齿轮的设计    14
    3.2.8 传动轴的设计与校核    18
    3.2.9 箱体结构的设计    22
      3.3 中封装置链传动设计    23
      3.4中封装置齿轮设计    25
    3.4.1确定齿数类型、精度等级、材料及齿数    25
    3.4.2按齿面接触强度设计    26
    3.4.3按齿根弯曲强度设计    27
      3.5 中封装置轴的设计及校核    29
    3.5.1 轴的尺寸设计    29
    3.5.2轴的校核    29
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