    80t general general general general box box box box car car car car scheme scheme scheme scheme
    Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract : : : : Boxcar is one of the most versatile of railway freight cars.By the end of 2002,China
    has freight car of 91835 boxcars,accouting for about 20% of the total number o f freight
    cars. Since the founding of new China, China has gradually formed the ability of independent
    development and manufacturing of railway boxcars. Railway wagons for goods, LTL cargo and
    bagged box packaging goods transportation from the sun snow or rain, can transport a wide
    range of goods, versatility, high utilization rate,transportation advantages, will be more and
    more welcome by the owner, the vast market potential market demand, the contradiction of
    railway wagons the product demand and railway boxcar actual capacity will gradually appear.
    So far, China's general boxcar load capacity has reached 70t, and made great contributions to
    the development of the national economy, thus the boxcar development of our country's
    experiences and lessons, and actively carry out research on general boxcar technical scheme of
    80t,defining the main technical parameters, to reserve wagon technical separation of passenger
    and freight traffic, meet the need of the development of the railway transportation in China, has
    become a very urgent issue.
    This paper introduces from the early days to the beginning of this century in the process, each
    stage has some representation of the basic model, the basic structure of each model and the
    existence of the problem.As the development of new materials,new technologies continue to be
    born and railway freight car bogie, coupler, improve brake parts and other supporting
    technology. Now, the development of 80t grade of general boxcar has become a reality.
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