    The Design of Floating Head Exchange heat
    Abstract:Heat exchanger is a typical refinery equipment, mainly for the original and the heat transfer oil, etc., or cooling. Many types of heat exchangers, according to the cold, the thermal fluid heat exchange principles and methods are basically pided into three main categories namely: partitions type, hybrid and regenerative. In the three types of heat exchangers, the partitions heat exchangers most widely used. Shell and tube heat exchanger is the partitions of the main types of heat exchangers. The subject of my design is to reduce II / oil coolers, heat exchangers in the form of shell and tube heat exchangers used in the floating head.
    First, according to the given process parameters pre-process calculation, the main purpose of this section is to determine the specific floating head heat exchanger models, and some impact on the structural design of the next key data. Process in general terms the contents of the heat transfer area calculation, the initial selection, checking the heat transfer coefficient, effective mean temperature difference, check the heat transfer area, fluid power calculations, the wall temperature calculation. Which after the initial selection of the heat transfer coefficients of primary check, if failed to be re-selection, repeated the spreadsheet. Check the fluid resistance part of operating costs and to consider the balance between manufacturing cost.
    Followed by in calculations. This part is the management board to take over, flanges and other specific parts of the design and selection. Material selection: the selection of components for the main pressure for the material Q345R. As corrosive media is not high, so use 20 steel for the tubes of the material. Selection of materials and manufacturing costs are closely linked, so the design should ensure that the premise of minimizing costs.

    KeywordsFloating Head Heat Exchanger Design Check

    1绪论    1
    1.1热交换器的类型    1
    1.2热交换器    2
    1.6 热交换器类型的选择 5
    2确定设计方案    6
    2.1选择热交换器的类型    6
    2.2管程安排    6
    3确定物性数据    8
    4估算传热面积    10
    4.1热流量    10
    4.2平均传热温差    10
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