    关键词  车架 大学生方程式 有限元 Midas 结构分析

    Title   The Design and Analysis of the FSC Frame              
    Frame has a bearing and support as well as other components to withstand the forces and moments passed an important role, so the frame strength and stiffness affect vehicle perform ance of the car,on the frame structure analysis is an important job.Due to the complexity of the shape of the frame,using the traditional method of mechanical analysis mechanical analysis of the frame will consume a lot of time and resources.Therefore,to analyze the performance of the task frame using computer finite element software.
    Based on the requirements of the "Chinese Formula Student car rules," and mission statement, the first use of CATIA software to build three-dimensional geometric model of the frame, and then establish a geometric model into the frame of the finite element software Midas geometry processing finite element model; then Midas software to use the frame stiffness and strength analysis carried out analysis of various operating conditions. By analyzing the calculations show that: the stiffness and strength of the frame meets the requirements of the mission statement; Finally frame modal analysis carried out, and the road to prove it does not inspire as well as with other parts of the car resonance. Therefore, the rational design of this frame.
    Keywords  Frame  FSC Finite element  Midas  Structural Analysis
    1  绪论    1
    1.1引言    1
    1.2汽车车架有限元分析的研究现状    1
    1.3本课题主要研究内容    2
    2  赛车车架结构设计    4
    2.1大学生方程式赛车车架的设计要求    4
    2.2赛车车架的设计以及三文建模    4
    2.3本章小节    13
    3  有限元理论及软件介绍    14
    3.1有限元的基本理论和方法    14
    3.2有限元软件Midas简介    15
    3.3本章小节    16
    4  车架有限元分析——前处理    17
    4.1几何处理    17
    4.2定义材料及特性    17
    4.3划分网格    19
    4.4本章小节    20
    5  有限元分析——静态分析    21
    5.1静态载荷处理    21
    5.2弯曲工况下的载荷及分析结果    22
    5.3制动工况下车架有限元分析    25
    5.4转弯工况下车架载荷及分析结果    28
    5.5本章小结    31
    6  有限元分析——模态分析    32
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