    关键词  应急物流   选址   运输
    Title    Research on location and transportation problems  of emergency logistics during the key period   of sudden disasters                 
    Nowadays, sudden disasters have more and more bad impact on modern society. Emergency logistics determines the result of the rescue and the loss. The paper first introduces the current condition of the research on emergency logistics and the problems within. Then it gives the whole content of the paper, along with the theoretical foundation and models. The paper describes the location problem and the method for it. With the model and software, the paper gets a general formula. Then it analyses the transportation problem, and gets the model to solve it with two steps. The final result can be received by AHP method. Finally, the paper concludes the whole content and points out the drawbacks, along with the directions for further research.
    Keywords  emergency logistics;location;transportation
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.2 目的和意义    3
    1.3 国内外研究现状    4
    1.4 本文研究内容和章节安排    5
    1.5 本章小结    7
    第二章 应急物流相关概念    9
    2.1 应急管理    9
    2.1.1 应急管理的定义    9
    2.1.2 应急管理的原则    9
    2.1.3 应急管理的内容    10
    2.2 应急物流    10
    2.2.1 应急物流的定义    10
    2.2.2 应急物流的特点    10
    2.3 应急物流系统    11
    2.4 应急物流选址问题理论基础    13
    2.5 应急物流运输路径问题理论基础    13
    2.6 本章小结    13
    第三章 应急物流中的选址问题    15
    3.1 应急物流选址问题概述    15
    3.2 应急物流选址的影响因素:    15
    3.3 应急物流选址常用模型    17
    3.3.1  p-中值选址模型    17
    3.3.2  p-中心选址模型    17
    3.3.3  覆盖模型    18
    3.4 问题求解    20
    3.4.1 求解假设    20
    3.4.2 求解    20
    3.4.3 软件计算    22
    1.5    本章小结    24
    第四章 应急物流中的运输路径问题    25
    4.1 应急物流运输问题概述    25
    4.2 运输路径问题求解思路    25
    4.3 建模及初步求解    26
    4.4 用层次分析法进行运输路径方案选择    28
    4.4.1 应急物流救援运输方案选择的影响因素    29
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