    摘要小口径火炮是一种攻击目标非常宽泛的武器,具有机动灵活、反应敏捷的特点。30mm口径火炮引信设计时需要考虑冗余保险、延期解除保险、高灵敏度、自毁功能、大着角发火等问题。为了保证引信结构正确、加工工艺性好并且使设计出的引信零件满足互换性要求,在设计中一般采用极值解法引信所涉及到的尺寸链进行计算。为了保证引信系统安全可靠,需要对引信零件强度及引信发火和保险性能进行分析和计算。通过对尺寸链进行分析可知,该引信具有工程设计价值。通过对引信性能分析和计算,该引信安全性和可靠性有保证,符合GJB 373A—1997《引信安全设计准则》的相关要求。22432
    关键词  机械引信  尺寸链计算  性能计算 
    Title     Systems Analysis and Design Calculations of  30mm Artillery Fuse                                            
    Small-caliber artillery is a weapon attacks broad targets with flexible and responsive features. The problems such as redundant insurance、delaying arming 、self-destruction function、functioning at high impact angle should be taken into consideration when designing 30mm artillery fuze. In order to ensure the right structure with technology performance and make the designed element of the fuze meet the interchangeability requirements, the dimension chain concerned with the fuze should be calculated according to the extreme value method when designing. To ensure system of fuze safe and reliable, the strength-checking of the element and the security and firing performance should be analyzed and calculated. Analysis of dimension chain   shows the fuze is available for engineering design. Through  performance analysis and calculation, safety and reliability of the fuze are guaranteed, which conforms to the relevant requirements of GJB 373A—1997 《The Safety Criteria For Fuze Design 》.
    Keywords  Mechanical fuze   Calculation of dimension chain   Performance calculation
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  背景与意义    1
    1.2  30mm航炮弹头机械触发引信构造与作用原理    1
    1.3  本论文的主要内容    2
    1.4  论文的组织框架    2
    2  设计计算依据    3
    2.1  弹药诸元    3
    2.2  弹道环境计算    3
    3  强度计算    4
    3.1  传爆管壳强度计算    4
    3.2  传爆管壳翻边根部强度计算    4
    3.3  传爆管发射安全性计算    5
    3.4  针刺瞬发雷管收口部位强度计算    5
    3.5  底螺与本体连接螺纹发射强度计算    5
    3.6  导爆管壳强度计算    6
    3.7  击针凸缘强度校核    7
    3.8  上体7.8H13孔壁处强度校核    7
    3.9  上体扳手孔处强度    8
    3.10  上体螺纹上端强度    8
    3.11  上体和本体螺纹连接强度    8
    3.12  球盖本体连接螺纹强度    9
    3.13  引信体和弹体连接螺纹强度    10
    4  锥簧设计计算    12
    5  后坐保险机构性能分析计算    15
    5.1  勤务处理安全性    15
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