    关键词  平衡机  重力矩  叠板  参数化  两点控制
    Title    The parametric design of laminated spring balancing machine
    The role of balancing machines is to overcome the heavy torque when the part of the pitch playing high angle. Portion to prevent the rapid fall in pitch under the influence of gravitational moment when playing a low elevation angle and produce impact damage. Laminated spring-balanced machine packs as the elastic element, torsion angle, easily accessible and Manufacture. Parametric design variable part of the information. Giving it different values and we can obtain different shapes and sizes of the parts. It can accelerate the speed of model, improve product development efficiency and reduce costs. Design stacked plate spring balancing machine, The first priority is to re-torque the analysis should be carried out to select the right balance torque curve, determine the number of stacked plates and main parameters if we want to design stacked plate spring balancing machine. Based on the requirements of the subject, Combining the  balancing machine structure of 81 122mm rocket, using two control design methods to design stacked plate spring balancing machine.
    Keywords   Balancing machine   Weight moment   Pack  Parametric  
    Two point control
    目  录
    1    引言    1
    1.1    火箭炮概述    1
    1.2    火箭炮平衡机    1
    1.2.1    平衡机的作用及要求    1
    1.2.2    平衡机的结构类型    2
    1.3    课题的目的与意义    3
    2    参数化设计    3
    2.1    参数化编程绘图    4
    2.2    参数化设计工具    5
    2.3    参数化设计方法    7
    3    平衡机设计方法    8
    3.1    平衡机传动机构    10
    3.2    叠板弹簧的设计    15
    3.3    扭杆弹簧的刚度校核    19
    4    叠板弹簧式平衡机参数化设计    20
    4.1    数据计算    20
    4.2    用户界面    25
    4.3    叠板弹簧式平衡机结构    26
    结  论    29
    致  谢    30
    参考文献    31
    1    引言
    1.1    火箭炮概述
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