    Title :The Design and Optimization Of Hydraulic Forming Process For Rear Frame                                             
    The rear frame is a part of the car chassis which is an important bearing components for a car.Because of the vehicle suffers various loads pass to the frame,the frame strength improved and reducing its quality have a great competitiveness for the automotive industry . Hydroforming technology provides just such a window.The tube hydroforming technology makes the rear frame lighter and stronger, but also fits the standards of green manufacturing. And its future research must be continuous.In this paper, the rear frame of the finite element analysis is worked by ABAQUS finite element software. The main work of this there is as follows:First, the rear frame structure hydroforming process is analyzed and studied,which obtains a series of wall thickness data.The wall thickness of the frame size determines the level of parts strength.Secondly,the thickness data is optimized by DESIGN-EXPERT software.And then calculating the value of the hydraulic pressure when the maximum thickness.Finally,Figure of mold is designed by engineering software.
    Keyword:the rear frame,tube hydroforming,finite element analysis,response surface optimization,Modeling.
    第一章 绪论3
    1.1 液压成形技术.3
    1.2 管件液压成形技术技术发展史4
    1.3 管件液压成形工装..5
    1.4 管件液压成形设备..6
    1.5 管件液压成形的工艺分析..7
    1.6 管件液压成形的工艺条件9
    1.7 研究内容.9
    1.8 本章小结.10
    第二章 后车架液压成形工艺分析.11
    2.1 有限元法在液压成形中使用..11
    2.1.1 有限元基本原理11
    2.1.2 弹性力学基本方程..11
    2.1.3 有限元法历史.14
    2.1.4 有限元常用术语15
    2.1.5 有限元法的步骤15
    2.1.6 有限元法分析和研究管材液压成形有以下优点..15
    2.2  ABAQUS有限元软件介绍16
    2.3 后车架液压成形过程的有限元模拟..16
    2.4 本章小结.20
    第三章 优化计算..21
    3.1 优化计算理论..21
    3.2 优化计算目标..23
    3.2.1 响应曲面优化计算..23
    3.2.2 三文响应曲面.24
    3.2.3 数学模型25
    3.2.4 响应曲面优化预测最佳条件和最优方案..30
    3.3 本章小结.31
    第四章 工艺和模具设计..32
    4.1 工艺分析及制定.32
    4.1.1 后车架尺寸..32
    4.1.2 后车架液压成形工艺.32
    4.2 模具设计.35
    4.2.1 模具..35
    4.2.2 冲头..35
    4.2.3 模具板.36
    4.2.4 螺钉..36
    4.3 模具装配.36
    4.4 本章小结.37
    第五章 总结.38
    第一章 绪论
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