    Through the introduction of the British company two roll straighter digestion absorption in the Shanghai lida heavy industry manufacture Co., the research analysis, reverse engineering design, successful improvement design. This paper has the comprehensive research on the two roll straighter, analyzed the principle of two roll straightening machine, roller type curve, roller type characteristics, etc. By using nc machine tool measuring point, find out the roller type curve, thus for roller type of surface processing to provide accurate and reliable reference. The qualitative analysis of the roller shape curve, straightening principle, be helpful for further improvement.
    To the transmission system and frame structure, working part, analysis and verification of surveying and mapping. The system of motor, deceleration machine, coupling, bearing etc all according to the national standard, realized the full localization.   According to the actual situation of improving the design of structure form, make it more simple, practical and reliable, which is beneficial to the maintenance and operation, etc. Two roller to roll body of the straightener, the roller, frame, bearing key parts of the strength, stiffness and life on the mechanical analysis and calculation, according to our country of the standard of design improvement, succeeded in improving two roll straightening machine.
    Keywords: two roll straightening machine, CNC machine tool measuring point, design improvement, roller type curve, mechanics analysis

    1 绪论    1
     1.1课题概述与设计意义    1
     1.2国内外矫直机发展状况    2
     1.3矫直机的分类    3
    2 二辊矫直机的原理与作用    4
     2.1二辊矫直机的原理    4
     2.2二辊矫直机的作用    7
      2.2.1二辊矫直机的优缺点    8
    3 二辊矫直机的分析    8
     3.1二辊矫直的初步分析    9
      3.1.1二辊矫直机的结构示意图与技术参数    9
     3.2二辊矫直机辊轴分析    11
      3.2.1矫直辊受力分析与校核    11
      3.2.2矫直辊轴承分析    14
     3.3矫直辊的调节机构    16
      3.3.1径向调节机构    16
      3.3.2角度调节机构    17
      3.3.3角度调节机构的设计改进    17
    4 二辊矫直机辊型曲线测定与反求    18
     4.1辊型曲线测定方案    18
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