     Propane Stripper Design Of LPG Recycling Equipment
    Abstract: LPG and LPG mixture can be pided into light naphtha and LPG by fractionation in LPG recycling equipment,after c3/c4 fractionation,we can get propane and butane from LPG.This equipment use distillation method,according to the different volatility,temperature and pressure are control to separate c3,c4,light naphtha and fuel gas from mixed hydrocarbon.The stripping tower is based on GB150-2011’steel pressure vessel’and JB4710-2005’steel tower vessel’.Tower is an important equipment in chemical industry,refining oil,pharmaceutical industry and other industrial production.Its role is to realize the gas phase or liquid phase contact fully,so as to achieve the mass transfer and heat transfer purpose between phases.Tower is widely used in distillation,absorption,gas extraction,extraction and unit operation.This design consists of two parts:declarations and calculations.Declarations part mainly includes the function,classification and structure ,materials and structure choosing of stripper,manufacturing process description.The computation part mainly includes the structure calculation,strength and axial stability checking.
    Keywords: stripper;structure;strength and axial stability;checking;design

    1课题概述    1
     1.1塔设备概述    1
      1.2汽提塔工作原理     1
      1.3汽提塔主要结构    2
    2材料选择和结构设计    3
     2.1 设计任务    3
     2.2 主要设计参数的确定和说明    3
      2.2.1设计压力    3
      2.2.2设计温度    4
      2.2.3焊缝系数    4
      2.2.4壁厚附加量    4
      2.2.5许用应力    4
     2.3材料选择    4
      2.3.1筒体材料选择    5
      2.3.2主要部件材料选择    5
     2.4结构型式的选择    6
      2.4.1塔盘结构型式的选择    6
      2.4.2封头的设计    7
      2.4.3裙座的设计    8
      2.4.4地脚螺栓    8
    3强度和稳定性设计    9
     3.1塔体和封头厚度计算    9
     3.2塔设备质量载荷计算    10
     3.3风载荷和风弯矩计算    12
      3.3.1风载荷计算    13
      3.3.2风弯矩计算    13
     3.4地震弯矩计算    14
     3.5偏心弯矩计算    16
     3.6各种载荷引起的轴向应力    16
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