    关键词  水平轴风力机   风力机叶片  调速  变桨结构 
    Title  Design of wind turbine speed steady speed device 
    With the rapid growth of wind energy. Wind energy is an effective means of resolving the energy source depletion and environmental issues, and the wind turbines is very important in energy conversion devices. This paper introduces the principle of horizontal axis wind turbine pitch  , the pitch structure design and modeling.  Content of their research are the following:
    1. According to the theory underlying formula wind turbine wind turbine blade chord length, pitch angle parameters.
    2. output by profili airfoil blade element, then the wind turbine  draw a three-dimensional map by solidworks.
    3. design  wind turbine pitch structure with a bevel gear drive system. 
    4. pitch structure for load analysis.
    Keywords   Horizontal axis wind turbine  Wind turbine blades  Governor Pitch Structure
    目   录
    第1章    绪 论    1
    1.1研究风力发电机调速稳速装置的意义    1
    1.2风力机控制系统    1
    1.3风力发电机调速稳速装置    3
    1.3.1 定速定桨距风力发电机    3
    1.3.2定速变桨距风力发电机    4
    1.3.3 变速定桨风力发电机    5
    1.3.4 变速变桨风力发电机    6
    1.4风力发电机变桨调速国内外研究现状    6
    1.4.1风力发电机变桨调速国外研究现状    7
    1.4.2风力发电机变桨调速国内研究现状    7
    第2章 水平轴风力发电机变桨理论    8
    2.1风力发电机变桨理论    8
    2.1.1风力机设计风速    8
    2.1.2 尖速比    8
    2.1.3升力系数与攻角之间的关系    8
    2.2翼型的选择    9
    2.3风力发电机空气动力学基本理论    9
    2.4风力机叶片建模    11
    2.4.1 风力发电机叶片的弦长和安装角的理论计算    11
    2.4.2 风力机叶片建模    13
    第3章 水平轴风力发电机变桨结构    18
    3.1锥齿轮系传动结    18
    3.2风力机的载荷分类    19
    3.2.1风轮叶片的离心力    19
    3.2.2风力发电机叶片的空气动力学总力    19
    3.2.3水平轴风力发电机锥齿轮变桨传动轴的离心力    21
    3.2.4风力机变桨传动结构传动轴横截面形状为圆形参数的计算    21
    3.2.5风力发电机变桨结构锥齿轮式变桨距中心轴的合力    23
    3.2.6风力发电机变桨结构变桨的过程    23
    3.2.7变桨距结构建模    23
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