    关键词:串联战斗部; 闭合开关; 瞬发度; 炸高损失
    Title   Tandem sunder armor warhead’s second class fuze contact close switch instantaneity study                                  
    Tandem sunder armor is a new kind of anti-tank ammunition .As a result of the existence of tandem warhead sunder armor bullet, the location of previously contact close switch, which was installed in sunder armor warhead, was occupied. At the same time, in order to guarantee the second class fuze has high level instantaneity, we proposed the research, which is instantaneity of the tandem warhead sunder armor play contact close switch and stand-off distance loss. Using Ansys software, we simulate the contact close switch closing time and the stand-off distance loss under different circumstances touching the target. What’s more, we put forward a new kind of fried with stand-off distance loss calculation method for fried with stand-off distance loss calculation. Calculation results can meet the demand of instantaneity and stand-off distance loss to the projectile, which provide the design basis for material selection and structure design of contact close switch design.
    Keywords: Tandem warhead, Contact close switch, Instantaneity, Stand-off distance loss
     1  引言    1
    1.1  坦克和坦克炮及其发展    1
    1.2  坦克装甲的发展    4
    1.3  破甲弹简介    6
    1.4  破甲弹引信及其发展    7
    1.5  炸高的重要性及串联战斗部    8
    1.6  破甲弹引信的研究现状    10
    2  几种闭合开关方案的设计    11
    2.1  头部安装的惯性闭合开关    11
    2.2  受子弹分离而启动的开关结构    15
    2.3  非头部安装的闭合开关    17
    3  开关结构强度计算以及动态仿真    18
    3.1  全弹体的选材与参数    18
    3.2  静态计算    18
    3.3  仿真计算    21
    3.4  弹丸炸高损失计算    29
    结论    33
    致谢    34
    参考文献    35
    1  引言
    1.1  坦克和坦克炮及其发展
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