    Six-cylinder engine crankshaft, connecting rod and piston assembly design
    The crankshaft-link group is one of the most important engine’s components, which sustains the complex and changeable impulse. It is the key point and difficulty of the engine design, and also an important part to eva luate engine’s performance.  So after accurate analysis motion of the crankshaft-link group, the parts should be designed according to its characteristics of the force and movement.
    Trough the analysis of the main design, the Main design parameter was determined, and the analysis model of the crankshaft-link group was established. Based On the analysis of engine combustion, people can observe input load of the piston changed with the change of the crank angle.  And then combine the load according to the extra load which has been gained, so as to provide a basis of load computing for the design of structural strength. After the structural design, the tolerance and cooperation of the parts will be chosen and calculated. Finally, make a drawing of parts for the processing.
    During the research, implementation and the application of this graduate program what I get not only the deep understanding of most theoretical knowledge which learn in undergraduate, but also acquire much new theoretical knowledge. And the most important is my theoretical knowledge is closely integrated with engineering design and  it improve my comprehensive ability of problem-analyzing ,problem-solving and the comprehensive use of knowledge  to resolve the practical problems in the processing.
    Keywords: automobile engine, engine design, crank connected rod group
    1绪论    1
    1.1汽车发动机的现状及发展前景    1
    1.2现代发动机设计与技术发展    1
    2发动机总体构造    2
    2.1发动机主要设计指标    2
    2.1.1 动力性指标    2
    2.2  发动机的总体结构介绍    3
    2.2.1 曲柄连杆机构的功用    3
    2.2.2 曲柄连杆机构的总体组成    3
    2.2.3 发动机机体组    4
    2.2.4 发动机活塞连杆组    5
    2.2.5 发动机曲轴飞轮组    6
    2.2.6 发动机其他组成系统    7
    2.3 发动机基本术语    8
    2.4 四冲程汽油机基本工作原理    9
    2.4.1 吸气冲程    9
    2.4.2 压缩冲程    10
    2.4.3 做功冲程    10
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