    关键词: 纳卫星 SLM 有限元分析 温度场 ANSYS
    Title     Finite Element Simulation of  Nano-satellite  Structure with selective laser melting                                               
    With the development of technology , nano-satellites plays an important role in the space exploring for the advantages of smart size and low cost. The main frame part of nano-satellite is composed of micro-components with complex structure. The selective laser melting (SLM) technology provides a new way for manufacturing of the structure. The temperature distribution during SLM process has significant influence on the properties of build parts. In this paper, the temperature distribution of SLM process is analyzed with ANSYS. Gaussion heat source model is adoped in the simulation. The contrast test using Single-derction and Z-shape scan strategies in the simulation is applied. The result shows that the temperature distribution in scan area is nearly the same as the actual situation. And in the scan area, the temperature gradient in Z-shape strategy is smaller, which shows that Z-shape scan is more suitable for SLM process. The reasons are analyzed resulting in the phenomenon in this simulation.
    Keywords: nano-satellite  SLM  FEM  CAD
    1.绪论    1
    1.1 纳卫星    1
    1.1.1 纳卫星发展    1
    1.1.1 纳卫星NJUST-1    1
    1.2选择性激光熔化技术的发展    2
    1.3 ANSYS软件在SLM过程中的应用    4
    2.研究目的及纳卫星介绍    5
    2.1 研究目的    5
    2.2 纳卫星介绍    5
    2.2.1 纳卫星结构    6
    2.2.2 适合有限元分析的结构变化    7
    3.SLM加工原理及温度场分析理论    8
    3.1 SLM加工原理    9
    3.2温度场分析理论    9
    4.模拟分析    11
    4.1 模拟中的关键技术    11
    4.1.1 实现移动高斯热源技术    11
    4.1.2 材料属性定义    12
    4.1.3 生死单元技术    12
    4.1.4 相变潜热处理    13
    4.2 ANSYS分析过程    13
    4.2.1 基本假设及模型描述    13
    4.2.2 激光光源扫描设置    15
    4.3 结果    17
    4.3.1 结果展示    17
    4.3.2 结果分析    19
    4.3.3 实验的不足与原因    20
    结论    21
    致谢    22
    参考文献    23
    1  绪论
    1.1  纳卫星
    1.1.1  纳卫星发展
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