    换热器面积的计算(实际换热面积:119mm2),管程壳程压力降的计算(小于等于0.4MPa),工艺结构尺寸的计算:管程数(1管程),换热管的确定(内径:25mm 数量:266根),壳体内径(700mm),壳程数(1壳程)的计算,折流板的选型(形式:弓形折流板,数量:20)等。
    Design and finite element analysis of the heater for the copper electrolyte reduction
    Abstract:Fixed tube plate heat exchanger is a typical structure of the shell and tube heat exchanger and a wide range of heat exchanger. This type of heat exchanger has the characteristics of a simple structure, compact, high reliability and wide adaptability , and low cost of the production, wide choice of used materials, more convenient of cleaning heat exchanger the surface . Fixed tube plate heat exchanger can withstands the higher operating pressure and temperature, so it has the absolute advantage in the possession of high temperature and high pressure heat exchangers and large,.
    This design topic is design and finite element analysis of the heater for the copper electrolyte reduction, the goal which the topic anticipated achieved:
    The craft design of heat exchanger:the heat transfer area computation(actual heat transfer area:119mm2);tube side pressure drop computation(≤0.4MPa);the craft structure size computation:number of tube passes(1 tube passes),the number of heat exchange tube(inside diameter:25mm,number:266),the inside diameter of shell(700mm), number of shell passes(1 shell passes),the lectotype of baffle board(form:segmental baffle,number:20)etc
    The strength calculation of heat exchanger:the computation and check of cylinder thinckness  and channel thinckness,the shell and the reinforcement for opening supplements the intensity,the extension part concurrently makes the flange the computation and the intensity calculation. Examinatation part carried on the hydraulic pressure test, the pressure examination and so on, in which all results has been all qualified
    The structural design of the heat exchanger:The specification and lectotype of baffle plate、flange(type A manhole weded flange)、heat exchange tube、suppot(saddle support)、gasket(paronite gasket)
    Consummates the design paper and the design instruction booklet
    Keywords:  heat exchanger; craft;structure; intensity
    目 录    III
    第1章 引言    1
    1.1 换热器的用途    1
    1.2 换热器的分类    1
    1.3 换热器相关技术研究内容及发展动向    1
    第2章 工艺结构尺寸    3
    2.1 选择换热器的类型    3
    2.2 流程安排    3
    2.3 确定物性数据    3
    2.4 设备材料的选择    4
    2.5 换热器结构与参数的选择    4
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