    This paper describes the hardware design of the multi-parameter signal generator, including the mechanical system and measuring and control system. The required functions of the instrument are well realized, which can generate reliable signals for tests and control, and the operation of the instrument is simple with a high level of automation and methods of protection.
    The whole system operates steady and credible with the reasonable design of the mechanical system. A PLC is used as the core of control. With the help of driving system and multiple sensors, the PLC operates the whole system in coordination. Not only does the PLC control the motions of the mechanical part, it also conveys the multi-parameter signal for analysis. By modulating the speed of the stepping motor, the way of motor-control in altered frequency is well realized, which meets the need of rapidity and steadiness. The monitoring function, along with the debug program, provides the possibility that the running condition and the inner coherence of the program can be shown to the user in time.
    After debugging and rectification several times, the whole is reliable and steady and well functioned.
    Keywords: multi-parameter signal generator, mechanical design, PLC   stepping motor, altered frequency
    目   录
    1. 绪论    1
    1.1概述    1
    1.2国内外的发展概况及趋势    1
    1.2研究方法及手段    2
    1.3研究意义和主要内容    3
    2. 机械系统设计    4
    2.1多参数信号发生装置总体结构    4
    2.2提锤子系统    5
    2.3撞击子系统    6
    2.4驱动子系统    7
    3. 测控系统设计    10
    3.1测控系统总体设计    10
    3.1.1系统硬件    10
    3.1.2系统软件    12
    3.2PLC硬件系统    13
    3.2.1PLC硬件介绍    13
    3.2.2I/O口分配    14
    3.3步进电机速度控制子系统设计    15
    3.3.1速度控制的分析    15
    3.3.2控制方法的选择    16
    3.3.3速度控制的实现    16
    4. PLC控制软件编程    18
    4.1程序流程介绍    18
    4.2单脉冲方式驱动    21
    4.3双脉冲方式驱动    28
    4.5.4程序调试    34
    5. 总 结    35
    致 谢    36
    参考文献    37
    1. 绪论
    1.1 概述
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