    关键词攀爬装置  磁体  磁路  优化
    Title    The Design Of Climbing Device Based On The Magnetic
    This article is mainly based on the background of lacking of a safe and reliable magnetic climbing device for climbers in the field of special operations, rescue and maintenance. We design a magnetic climbing devices through the study of the research of all kinds of climbing equipment at home and abroad . There are four key points of the design: The overall design of the device; magnetic circuit design;  choices of and institutions design and material selection. In the design process, we should pay more attention on these four areas and the various requirements in use. We think of some solutions to meet the requirements. Determined by calculation and analysis of the design, then we use SolidWorks software to draw three-dimensional mapping software parts diagram.Finally the figures will be a combination of parts to assembly drawing. After the actual operation and testing, we further remove the drawbacks in climbing device and measure the maximum load force under different circumstances.
    Keywords Climbing device   Magnet  Magnetic circuit  Optimization
    1  引言    1
    1.1  选题背景及意义    1
    1.2  国内外磁力攀爬装置的研究现状    1
    1.3  磁力攀爬装置的发展趋势4
    2  磁力攀爬装置    6
    2.1  磁力攀爬装置的设计及设计软件介绍.6
    2.2  磁力攀爬装置的主要研究内容    6
    2.3  磁力攀爬装置的技术指标    9
    2.4  磁力攀爬装置的工作过程及工作原理    10
    3.5  磁力攀爬装置设计方案.13
    3  磁力攀爬装置的试制及方案的优化    23
    3.1  磁力攀爬装置的试制    23
    3.2  方案的优化    25
    4  磁力攀爬装置中的理论分析和试验结果分析    28
    4.1  理论计算    28
    4.2  试验及试验结果分析    29
    结论    30
    致谢    32
    参考文献    33
    1 引言
    1.1   选题背景及意义
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