    摘要:    随着计算机网络通信技术的飞速发展,人们的生活质量发生了不可估量的改变。人们在享受信息资源所带来的巨大便利的同时,也面临着信息安全的严峻考验。如今,用户对信息的安全传输的需求越来越迫切,信息加密传输也成为了人们能否保护自己个人隐私的关键。
    关键词:    DES;网络通信;加密技术;客户机/服务器;信息安全
    The Design And Implementation Of Information Security Delivery System
    Abstract:     Along with the rapid development of network communication technology, has provided immeasurable changes for the quality of people’s life. While people are enjoying the great interest that information resources produce, severe trial is also on the way to challenge information security. Nowadays,users pay more attention to the secure transmission of information. What’s more, the information security is also the key of protecting everyone’s personal privacy.
    This paper mainly summarizes the research in the field of cryptography and abroad situation, studying the technology of network communication data encryption and the principles of cryptography, analysing the necessity for network data security research, elaborating data encryption in the network communication applications eventually. To ensure the safety of the transmission network communication, have realized encryption and decryption operations on client/server through DES algorithm.
    Keywords: DES; Network Communication; Encryption; Client / server; Information Security
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    研究的目的和意义    1
    1.2    国内外研究水平    1
    1.3    发展趋势    1
    1.4    研究的方法和技术    2
    1.5    研究的创新点    3
    2    加密算法    4
    2.1    对称密钥算法    5
    2.2    公钥算法    5
    2.3    对称密钥算法与公钥算法的比较    6
    2.4    单向散列函数    7
    2.5    加密算法的未来    7
    3    需求分析和程序模块的设计    8
    3.1    需求分析    8
    3.2    通讯模块设计    8
    3.3    数据DES加解密模块    10
    3.3.1    DES算法原理    10
    3.3.2    初始置换    13
    3.3.3    DES轮结构    13
    3.3.4    DES的S盒定义    15
    3.3.5    DES加密算法的具体步骤    15
    3.4    数据RSA加解密模块    16
    3.4.1    RSA加密流程    16
    3.4.2    RSA加密算法原理    16
    3.4.3    RSA密钥产生    17
    4    信息安全传递系统的实现    18
    4.1    系统设计    18
    4.2    通信模块的实现    18
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