    与数据迁移相关的技术非常多,本次论文主要从以下3个方面进行研究: 1.使用冷备份。2.RMAN。3.EXP/IMP。本文提出的数据迁移解决方案是:对客户提供的FILE文件形式的被迁移数据进行不同方式的迁移。最终达到的目的既是,将原来数据库中的数据迁移到较高版本的新的数据库中去。本文以Oracle数据库和PL/SQL语言为背景从RMAN和SQL语句详细阐述了迁移数据的方法。9310
    关键词:  数据库;系统;数据迁移
    Abstract of paper
    As a DBA,when a company use a new operation system,we will face a trouble that the information gathered and stored in the old operation system must be moved to a new operation system which is more sufficient and later than now ,This is data migaration..For example, in stock exchange,bank,insurance,telecommunications and so on, According to the relevant departments of statistics, one company’s management system often renew 10 years average.So ,researching data migration technology has practical significance
    Technology is very much related to data migration, This paper mainly conducts the research from the following three aspects: 1. Use cold backup 2. RMAN 3. EXP/IMP.Data migration solution is proposed in this paper: the FILE provided by the customer FILE is in the form of migration data migration and eventually achieve the purpose of both in different ways, the original data in the database migration to higher version of the new database.Based on the Oracle database and the PL/SQL language as the background from the RMAN and SQL statements data migration method is expounded in detail.
    目  录
    摘要    1
    1  引言    4
    1.1    课题的目的和意义    4
    1.2    国内外研究现状与水平    4
    1.3    发展趋势    5
    1.4    对课题的前瞻    5
    2  实施阶段    7
    2.1  实战前沿    7
    2.1.1  问题的提出    7
    2.1.2  开展工作的基本前提和条件    7
    2.1.3    本次课题的硬件配置    8
    2.2模型的建立    9
    2.2.1  建立OEL5.4    9
    2.2.2  OEL6.3    19
    2.2.3  ORACLE 10G    21
    2.2.4  ORACLE 11G    26
    2.2.5    建立数据库    28
    2.3  实验方案的拟定    41
    2.3.1  使用 RMAN 备份恢复迁移    41
    2.3.2  使用 RMAN 直接COPY 迁移    42
    2.3.3  使用 RMAN duplicate 迁移    42
    2.3.4  EXP/IMP    42
    2.3.5存储迁移    43
    2.3.6利用data guard迁移    43
    2.4  实验方法、内容及其分析    44
    2.4.1    实战演习    44  使用 RMAN 备份恢复迁移    44  使用 RMAN 直接COPY 迁移    52  使用 RMAN duplicate 迁移    58  EXPDP/IMPDP    66  存储迁移    71
    2.4.1    分析错误    71  错误1    71  错误2    72
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