
    摘 要:网络时代推动了信息化时代的到来,信息化的高速发展很大程度的缩短了信息的传递时间。随着信息化系统的普及,越来越多的汽车汽车商开始使用管理系统来管理店内的各项汽车零售业务,为了能够满足汽车汽车商能够更好的管理汽车租赁信息,开发了这套良驹汽车租赁公司信息系统。本系统使用ASP.NET框架,开发语言使用的是C#语言,后台数据存储采用的是SQL Server 2008系统作为数据存储,本系统严格按照软件工程的开发方式进行开发,主要实现了用户管理、汽车租赁管理、售后管理、分类管理、供应商管理、销售出入库、新闻管理等功能,系统在经过了较完善的严格测试后,陆续修复了遇到的问题与错误。目前已经可以基本完美运行,性能良好。70163


    The Design and Development of LiangJu Automobie Retail Information System

    Abstract: Network era to promote the arrival of the information age, the rapid development of information technology to a large extent shorten the transmission time of information. With the popularity of information systems, more and more car dealers began to use the management system to manage the store's auto retail business, in order to meet the car car dealers can better manage the car sales information, the development of this good Ju car rental company information system. The system uses the ASP.NET framework, the development language using the C # language, the background data storage using the SQL Server 2008 system as a data storage, the system in strict accordance with the development of software engineering development, the main realization of the user management, car rental Management, after-sales management, classification management, supplier management, sales out of storage, news management and other functions. After more rigorous and rigorous tests, the system has fixed the problems and errors. It has been basically perfect and has good performance.

    Key words: network; information system; ASP.NET; database

    目 录

    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 ii

    1 绪 论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 开发意义 1

    1.3 研究趋势 2

    1.4 发展趋势 2

    2 开发工具介绍 4

    2.1 C# 概述 4

    2.2 ASP.NET简介 5

    2.3 SQL Server 2008简介 6

    2.4 ADO.NET简介 6

    3 需求分析 8

    3.1 可行性分析 8

    3.1.1 管理可行性 8

    3.1.2 技术可行性 8

    3.1.3 经济可行性 8

    3.1.4 可行性小结 8

    3.2 功能分析 9

    4 系统设计 10

    4.1 系统功能设计 10

    4.2 系统模块设计 10

    4.2.1 整体功能模块 14

    4.2.2 系统登录模块 14

    4.2.3 汽车信息模块 14

    4.2.4 新闻信息模块 14

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