
    摘  要:在中国高等教育招生的规模不断扩大之时,手工管理或开放性不高的传统的学生信息管理方法会造成的人力、物力和财力的浪费,已不符合当前高等教育发展的要求。目前,高层次人才培养水平不应该只体现在数量上,更表现在质量上,那么必然会对管理上采取更加严格的要求。近几年,随着高等教育规模的扩大,基于网络的学生信息管理系统已经成为适应我国高等级教育扩大规模,培养高等人才的关键环节,更是高等教育顺利发展的最为基础的条件。68885



    Student management system based on C# and sqlserver

    Abstract: In China's higher education enrollment continues to expand the scale of the manual management or open is not high the traditional methods of information management students will cause the human, material and financial resources waste is not in accord with the requirements of the development of higher education. At present, the level of high-level personnel training should not only be reflected in the quantity, but also in the quality, it is necessary to take more stringent management requirements. In recent years, with the expansion of the scale of higher education, based on the network of the student information management system has become to expand the scale of China's high level of education, the key to higher personnel training is the basic condition for the smooth development of higher education.

    This topic through to the past student information management system research, and now the student management research, based on C#,.Net and SQLServer design and implementation of the student information management system. System added to the administrator on the left menu bar with different permissions to display different content management, increase the function of administrators, teachers and students; teachers view class schedule, and add the function of student achievement students view the class schedule and view the results of the function. The implementation of the project can improve the level of student management, reduce the workload of managers, so that the student information query is more convenient and quick. The design and implementation of the system will also promote the level of practice and improve the ability of programming, debugging and system analysis.

    Keywords: Student information management; network environment; SQLServer; C#;.Net

    目  录

    第1章  绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景和意义 1

    1.1.1研究背景 1

    1.1.2研究意义 1

    1.2 研究现状 1

    1.2.1学生信息管理现状 1

    1.2.2学生信息管理系统在国内外的现状 2

    1.3本文工作 2

    1.4论文结构 3


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