    Lorenti supervising system and requirement analysis
    Abstract:     In today's service type business, whether it is large and medium-sized supermarkets, or various commercial organizations to implement staff attendance system. The final goal is to obtain the appraisal results and statistical data as the quantitative basis for evaluation. Visible, attendance system has become an important part of enterprise management.
    With the popularization of computer and the rapid development of computer science technology, more and more people began to use computers to solve practical problems. Staff attendance management is an important part of enterprise information management in the face of a large number of personnel and wage information, will be dealt with using human waste a lot of time, manpower and material resources, and the accuracy of the data low. Therefore, developing a friendly interface, easy operation and staff attendance management software to automate processing has become very important, this is the purpose of the system development and significance. The project development process, the main work is the demand analysis, the outline design, detailed design. The software uses the basic dialog box interface, can satisfy the small and medium-sized enterprise staff attendance management needs.
    Keywords:    check on the work attendance; supervising system; requirement analysis
    摘要    iii
    Abstract    iii
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题背景    1
    1.2    研究框架    1
    1.2.1    登录模块    1
    1.2.2    员工信息模块    1
    1.2.3    企业管理模块    1
    1.3    可行性研究    1
    1.3.1    经济上可行性    2
    1.3.2    技术上可行性    2
    1.3.3    运行上可行性    2
    1.3.4    法律可行性    2
    2    开发及运行环境的选择    3
    2.1    WINFORM技术    3
    2.1.1    WINFORM    3
    2.1.2    WINFORM技术的特点    3
    2.2    C#语言    4
    2.3    结构化查询语言SQL    4
    3    系统需求分析    5
    3.1    总体需求理解    5
    3.2    系统总体设计分析    5
    3.2.1    数据流程分析    5
    3.2.2    整体功能模块分析    6
    4    系统数据库设计    8
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