


    毕业论文关键词  物联网;通信信道; 握手协议; MC13213;ZigBee


    Title    Analysis and test of the Internet of things    


    In recent years, the Internet of Things is developing rapidly. It is wildly used and plays an important role in smart home, smart transportation, smart grid, smart logistics, smart agriculture, smart power, and smart industry.

    The performance indexes of IOT are mainly the survival time of the network, the data transmission rate, transmission delay and so on. Based on these indexes, the thesis aims at making a summary of commonly used performance improvement methods of topology control and data fusion, and also making an analysis of the reasons why these methods can improve performance in actual application situations. Trough observing the result of the experiments in communication distance, simple handshake agreement, transmission power and communication channel, the existing agreement will be concluded. In addition, the experiment is largely completed on the MC13213 wireless communication module. The ZigBee technology applied in the experiment at the same time, analyzed the performance of the same node under different environmental conditions, on the Internet of things had the further understanding and communication performance.

    Key words: the Internet of Things; communication channel; handshake agreement; MC13213;ZigBee

    目  次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1  物联网的发展 1

    1.1.1  物联网的定义、分类及应用 1

    1.1.2  物联网的发展前景 1

    1.2  课题的提出及意义 1

    1.3  本文主要工作及章节安排 2

    2 模块系统简介 2

    2.1  模块概况 2

    2.2  设计目标和解决方法 3

    2.3  关键技术 4

    2.3.1总线互连技术 4

    2.3.2 ZigBee技术 4

    3模块硬件设计 5

    3.1 硬件设计目标 5

    3.2 芯片选型 5

    3.3 RF电路设计说明 6

    3.3.1 电路板设计 6

    3.3.2 天线设计 7

    4 模块程序设计 8

    4.1 ZIGBEE的总体结构 8

    4.2 软件实现基本框架 9


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