    摘 要图像中包含了人类所需要的感知世界,进而认识世界、改造世界的大部分信息量。图像处理就是对图像信息进行加工处理,以满足人的视觉心理和实际应用的要求,理解图像、识别图像中的目标是计算机视觉图像处理的中心任务。8673
    关键词: 图像处理,边缘检测, 算子,VC++
    Title    Comparison And Analysis For Image Edge  
              Detection Algorithms Based On VC         
        Image contains a human need to perceive the world, and know the world, transforming the world most of the information quantity. Image processing of image information processing, to meet people's visual psychological and the requirement in practical application, image understanding, recognition of the target in the image is the central task of computer vision image processing.
    Edge is the most basic feature of the images, it is the result of discontinuous gray. The first step in image analysis and understanding is edge detection, so edge detection plays an important role in image processing. Image edge detection significantly reduces the amount of data and removes irrelevant information, retains the important structural properties of images.
    Five types of classical edge detection operators are realized by using VC++ in this thesis.Then the detection effects are compared and characteristics of the operators are analysed. This has reference value for the study of edge detection and specific applications.
    Key Words: Image processing, Edge detection, Operator, VC++
    1  绪论    6
    1.1数字图像基础    6
    1.1.1数字图像概述    6
    1.1.2数字图像处理    6
    1.2边缘检测介绍    7
    2  图像边缘检测    8
    2.1边缘检测    8
    2.1.1边缘检测概念    8
    2.1.2微分算子    8
    2.2边缘检测基本思想    9
    2.3边缘检测算法    10
    2.3.1边缘检测算法步骤    10
    2.3.2边缘检测算法流程图    10
    2.4边缘检测算法中算子的分类    11
    2.5经典边缘检测算子    12
    2.5.1 Roberts边缘检测算子    12
    2.5.2 Sobel边缘检测算子    12
    2.5.3 Prewitt边缘检测算子    14
    2.5.4 Laplacian算子    14
    2.5.5 Canny算子    15
    3 Visual C++图像编程    15
    3.1 Visual C++概述    15
    3.2 VC++的特点    16
    3.3 VC++的组成    16
    4.边缘检测算子的编程实现    19
    4.1程序运行界面    19
    4.2 Roberts算子程序及结果    19
    4.3 Sobel算子程序及结果    22
    4.4 Prewitt算子程序及结果    26
    4.5 Laplacian算子程序及结果    30
    4.6 Canny算子程序及结果    33
    4.7结果分析与比较    35
    结 论    39
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