




    Abstract With the rapid development of information technology, the rapid development of China's higher education. Now, in the education of graduate dissertations are also more and more aspects of the audit. More and more colleges and universities in personnel training is also more active, and this time postgraduate dissertations system came into being. Its birth between various colleges and universities also had a positive impact, it facilitates centralized teacher resources, but also conducive to the interaction between students and teachers. Now graduate thesis evaluation system is different from the traditional paper review system. It is between teachers and students built a bridge of communication, not only conducive to the development of higher education. But also conducive to the exchange of teachers and students. The traditional paper will review the consequences of decentralized teacher subjectivity, a waste of time, between resources. According to the above mentioned, this paper proposes constructing graduate thesis evaluation system programs, textbook knowledge and network technology will combine to provide students and their mentors to build an efficient and convenient paper review system.

    Now then, when the graduates annually papers submitted, there will be a variety of marking schemes. This time you will find that many of them have something to do with imperfect scoring system. As we all know, the school teachers to lead students to complete papers when to help and guide students to complete their own papers and achieve their desired goal is very important. But life, since the instructor may give students in class, or have their own research projects, etc., tend not to take care of all aspects of their graduates, then graduates will and formed an insurmountable gap between the tutor. This will make the students' papers in the review time will find a variety of errors. Our graduate thesis evaluation system will supervise contact between students and instructors, students and instructors alike.

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