    摘要:    随着教育信息化发展,互动学习网站的建设被广泛的关注。本课题通过调研发现各个大学除积极建设本校的校园网站之外,有近60%的高校仍争相开设与本校专业相关的网上互动学习平台,希望通过互联网为学生提供种类更多的课程资源,增强师生互动性,此类的互动学习平台层出不穷也多种多样,却同时也存在利用率低,课程资源匮乏等一系列问题。因此本课题对网络互动学习平台系统的建设和完善有着重要的意义。
    通过开发,本课题可实现包含登陆、视频学习、文档上传下载、讨论区留言以及后台管理的功能。其中将学习资源按格式分类是有待后续深入开发完成的功能,希望以后有机会可以实现。关键词:MVC    ;PHP;互动学习平台;B/S体系结构8479
    Design and Implementation of The Protocol Analysis and Test Interactive Course Learning Website
    Abstract: With the development of informationized education, the construction of the interactive learning website get more attention。Investigation shows there are 60% of the universities in Shanghai having not yet completed the building of interactive learning platform not only build their own college website ,the universities hope provide students more and more course information through the Internet, and enhance the interactivity between teachers and students. However, there are series of problems in existing interactive learning website, such as low utilization, deficient course resource, etc. So it is very important to build and improve interactive learning platform system.
    This topic through the overall planning and design, in order to provide more learning courses for students and strengthen the interaction between teachers and students, the website presented a study course with many functions including login、 learning、upload and download、discussion and background management. After research and demand analysis, on the one hand, take more convenient implementation into consideration, the website is based on the B/S(Browser/Server) structure ,on the other hands, choose the MVC pattern, use WAMP means Apache server、MySQL database 、PHP language on the Windows System to develop, meanwhile combine some plug-in unit and service-oriented and interface technology. This website can satisfied the Internet teaching and showing between teachers and students.
     After development, this website have these function including videos learning、documents upload and download、forum discussion and platform management, and sort documents according to the format remains to be further develop. I hope this function can be achieved later.
    Keywords: MVC; The PHP; Interactive Study Center; B / S architecture
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    研究现状    1
    1.1.1    国外研究现状    1
    1.1.2    国内网络学习平台的建设和研究情况    2
    1.2    课题研究的意义    3
    1.3    课题的主要内容与特色    3
    1.4    本文的主要工作以及结构    3
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