摘 要:随着现代科技的不断发展,游戏正在广泛深入我们的日常生活,一款优秀的游戏不仅可以促进智力和记忆力的发展,还能减轻我们的生活压力。本文详细阐述了整个游戏系统的需求分析、概要设计、详细设计,系统实现和软件测试等软件开发过程。本系统为一款非常经典的塔防类游戏——飞机空战,有完整友好的图像用户界面,能够通过键盘操控实现人机大战。本系统基于windows平台,使用win32+GDI技术实现,使用STL中的数据结构对游戏角色对象进行有效管理,使用Visual Studio 2010作为系统开发环境。使用面向对象编程思想开发,有助于系统的扩展和后期维护。55760
毕业论文关键词:塔防游戏,飞机空战, win32,GDI,STL,面向对象
Abstract: With the continuous development of modern technology, the game is extensive in our daily life, a good game can not only promote the development of intelligence and memory, but also reduce stress in our lives. This paper describes the entire game system requirements analysis, preliminary design, detailed design, system implementation and software testing software development process. This system is a very classic tower defense game - combat aircraft, a complete-friendly graphical user interface, the keyboard can be achieved through manipulation of man-machine war. The system is based on windows platform, using win32 + GDI technology, STL data structure for effective management game character objects, and Visual Studio 2010 as a systems development environment. Developed using object-oriented programming ideas, help system expansion and ongoing maintenance.
Keywords:Tower Defense game, Combat Aircraft, Win32, GDI, Object-Oriented
目 录
1 前言 4
2 开发工具简介 4
2.1 WIN32 API简介 4
2.2 WINDOWS GDI简介与功能 5
2.3 STL简介与功能 5
2.4 VISUAL STUDIO 2010 简介 6
3 需求分析 6
3.1功能需求 6
3.2角色需求 8
4概要设计 8
4.1类设计 8
4.2类视图 11
5详细设计 11
5.1游戏初始化 10
5.2角色移动 11
5.3角色攻击 11
5.4攻击算法 12
5.5碰撞检测 14
5.6绘制渲染 15
5.7关卡设计 16
5.8游戏运行截图 17
6系统调试与测试 18
结论 21
参考文献 21
致谢 22
1 前言