
    摘要: 随着互联网的发展,宣传片的形式也在不断发展。Flash是目前最流行的动画设计制作软件之一,使用Flash可以实现交互式设计,并且设计周期短,耗费人力少。Flash可以通过补间将静态的画面动态化,完成高品质的动态效果。当前网络上的许多动画已不仅仅有供儿童娱乐的作用,也是一种文化的继承和发展,是作者思想和情感的载体。本文主要记录了自己使用Flash完成弘扬国学的宣传短片设计制作的过程。前半部分分析了宣传短片的意义、现状以及发展,分析了使用Flash进行宣传短片制作的优缺点以及弘扬国学宣传短片设计制作的可行性;后半部分记录了弘扬国学宣传短片的具体设计制作过程,阐述了在制作过程中遇到的困难和问题,总结了一些个人经验供大家参考。希望通过这个宣传短片能重新引起大家对国学的重视,了解国学弘扬国学。52616

    毕业论文关键词: Flash;宣传短片;动画;国学;

    The design and production of sinology propaganda film

    Abstract: With the development of the Internet, the form of the propaganda film is constantly developing. Flash is one of the most popular animation design software, Flash can be used to realize interactive design, and the design cycle is short, the cost of manpower is small. Flash can change the static picture to become dynamic, to complete the dynamic effect of high quality. Many animation on the current network has not only for the role of children's entertainment, but also a cultural heritage and development, is the author's thoughts and feelings of the carrier. This article records the process of using Flash to design and production of sinology propaganda film. The first part of the article analysis the propaganda film for the significance, status quo and development, analyzed the advantages and disadvantages about using Flash to production propaganda film, analyzed the feasibility of design and production of sinology propaganda film;the latter part records complete the process of design and production of sinology propaganda film, describes the difficulties and problems encountered in the process in production, summarizes some personal experience, for your reference. Hope that through this propaganda film can re cause everyone's attention to the sinology, understanding of sinology to promote sinology. 

    Keywords: Flash; propaganda film; animation; sinology; 


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 ii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 前言 1

    1.1.1 宣传短片的意义 1

    1.1.2 国内外研究现状与水平 2

    1.1.3 发展趋势 3

    1.1.4 调研情况 4

    1.2 弘扬国学宣传短片概述 4

    1.3 弘扬国学宣传短片开发计划 5

    2 弘扬国学宣传短片设计制作分析 7

    2.1 弘扬国学宣传短片设计风格定位 7

    2.1.1 宣传短片风格调研 7

    2.1.2 宣传短片风格定位 7

    2.2 弘扬国学宣传短片制作可行性分析 8

    2.2.1 宣传短片制作目的 8

    2.2.2 宣传短片可行性分析 8

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