

    关键词  深度信息   目标跟踪   遮挡处理


    Title      Study and implement of visual object   tracking algorithms based on depth information 


    In the field of computer vision,object tracking technology has been the hot spot of research.Because of the model drift,occlusion and the environment changes,the technology has always been the difficulties of the research.The traditional methods for object tracking do research in RGB videos.However,RGB data is easily affected by various factors such as the change of light conditions.Relative to the color data,the depth data contains spatial information,which is beneficial to deal with some difficult problem in the object tracking.So in this paper,We will use depth information and RGB images obtained from Kinect to study object tracking algorithm in videos,we will also use the depth information to handle the occlusion problems in the process of tracking.Besides,this paper will optimize the algorithm which makes the tracking effect robust.Finally,this paper will run this algorithm on the Princeton RGB-D Tracking dataset,compared with some traditional algorithm.By the observations,the experimental results show that the algorithm of this paper has higher accuracy and robustness.

    Keywords  RGBD   object tracking   occlusion handling   

    目   次

    1   引言 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 研究现状与难点 1

    1.3 研究内容 3

    1.4 论文组织结构 3

    2   目标跟踪基础算法 4

    2.1 获取RGB-D图像 4

    2.2 彩色和深度图像信息处理 5

    2.3 低维压缩特征 6

    2.4 算法步骤 8

    2.5 本章小结 9

    3   遮挡问题处理机制 10

    3.1 建立模型 10

    3.2 遮挡判断算法 12

    3.3 目标恢复算法 14

    3.4 修正目标位置 15

    3.5 本章小结 16

    4   目标跟踪算法优化 17

    4.1 图像噪声处理 17

    4.2 多尺度分析 17

    4.3 本章小结 20

    5   目标跟踪系统

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