    摘要:    网上书店利用简单、快捷、低成本的电子通讯方式,买卖双方通过网络进行各种商业交易。随着互联网的发展,以及人们消费观念和生活方式的改变,这种的商业模式逐渐融入了人们的生活中。
    本毕业设计的内容是设计并且实现一个基于web技术的图书在线交易系统。系统主要以j2EE作为开发基础,使用了struts + spring + hibernate等多种协议或技术,用MyEclipse作为开发工具。基本实现了网上交易系统应有的主要功能模块,包括:管理员的登录,管理和文护;用户注册、登录、注销,个人信息的修改、修改;商品管理,购物车管理,订单管理。该系统界面简单、操作方便,容易文护。
    关键词:    网上书店;MySQL;MyEclipse;销售管理
    Online Bookstore Sales Management System Design & Development
    Online bookstore utilizes simple, fast, low-cost electrommunication to make deals through Internet. As the expandedness of Internet and the transformation of the prospect of consuming and life-style of people, this kind of commercial model is dissolving into daily life.
    This project is an online book trade system based on web technology, mainly utilizing j2EE as the basis of development, and protocols like struts + spring + hibernate, MyEclipse as tools. It basically realizes required functions of online shopping system: Administrator login, management and maintenance; register, login, logoff, modify personal information; commodity management, shopping cart management, order management. The front-ground of the system is simple, easy-operated and maintained.  
    The thesis firstly illustrated the development and current situation of domestic and overseas online bookstores and the value of the project. And based on comprehensive analysis of the online bookstores marketing, integrating with the development technology of the system and concrete design according to the system, I eventually determined two main basic function modules: front ground operation and background management.
    This system reaches the requirement on the whole after test run. The function “book search” and “administrator management” will play a very useful and helpful role for the convenience for the sale and management of books.
    Keywords:    Online Bookstore; MySQL; MyEclipse; Sales Management
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    [目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    选题的目的和意义    1
    1.2    系统在国内外发展的概况    2
    2    系统分析与概要设计    4
    2.1    系统功能需求分析    4
    2.2    系统角色及其功能分析    5
    2.3    系统主要功能概要分析    5
    2.4    系统开发技术基础及关键技术    6
    2.4.1    JSP技术    6
    2.4.2    Java组件JavaBeans    7
    2.4.3    J2EE概述    7
    2.4.4    关于Struts    8
    2.4.5    关于Hibernate    8
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