    该论文有图 28 幅,表 5 个,参考文献 17 篇。
    毕业论文关键词:Java Web;  期刊采编;  MVC;  MySQL;  JSP
     The Design and Implementation of Journal Editorial System
    With the development of science and technology, through the network of journal editorial technology matures.Since the emergence of periodicals in the artificial processing, computer aided, network interaction, network platform and development stage. The journal editorial also experienced the remarkable development, has from the traditional pattern of contributions to reply to the online submission, review, published, and other functions of the software system.Contribute for the author to simplify the procedures, reduce the waiting time, also can see the other author's work, is a great author between mutual exchange of learning platform.For editorial department,they need a system to help them manage articles, in order to improve the work efficiency and realize office automation; The journal editorial system is to solve the above problems.
    Key Words: Java Web;  The journal editorial;  MVC;  MySQL;  JSP
    目  录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    1 绪论    1
    1.1课题研究背景    1
    1.2 课题研究的目的和意义    1
    1.3 系统开发环境    2
    1.4 相关技术介绍    2
    1.5 本文研究内容及主要贡献    3
    2系统分析    4
    2.1 可行性研究    4
    2.1.1经济可行性    4
    2.1.2 操作可行性    4
    2.1.3 技术可行性    4
    2.2 需求分析    5
    2.2.1综合要求    5
    2.2.2 数据字典    6
    2.2.3 E-R图    7
    3 系统设计    9
    3.1 总体设计    9
    3.1.1 设计思想    9
    3.1.2 软件结构    9
    3.1.3 系统模块设计    10
    3.2数据库设计    10
    3.3详细设计    12
    3.3.1人机界面设计    12
    3.3.2系统流程图设计    14
    4 系统实现和运行    16
    4.1编码实现    16
    4.2系统运行截图    17
    5 系统测试    22
    5.1软件测试的目标    22
    5.2系统测试    22
    6体会总结与展望    26
    6.1毕业设计体会    26
    6.2总结与展望    26
    6.2.1 总结    26
    6.2.2 展望    27
    致谢    29

    图序号    图名称    页码
    图1-1    B/S结构图
    图2-1    稿件列表卡片图    6
    图2-2    用户编号卡片    6
    图2-3    审批流程表卡片图    6
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