摘要:健身场馆作为一种近年来越来越流行的现代化服务行业,如何管理好健身场馆,如何把它发展成品牌,如何使健身行业得到更好地发展,给健身爱好者提供更好地消费体验服务,是健身行业正在面临并且急需解决的问题。与此同时社会经济已经进入一个飞速发展的时期,人们生活水平在不断提高的同时也逐渐开始意识到身体健康的重要,应运而来的就是能够科学管理健身场所的健身场馆营业管理系统。本系统是以信息系统分析与设计方法和理论为指导,建立健身房营业管理系统整体架构,再基于B/S结构的服务器模式,采用Asp.net技术, 后台使用SQL Server2014建立系统数据库,编程实现健身项目的品种、单价、消费时长、营业额、客户数量的统计和管理等功能。其中会员管理包括资料修改、项目查询预约,充值记录,消费记录,积分兑换记录。管理员管理包括添加管理员、员工、教练、会员以及项目,项目预定查看等。系统应能正常运行,系统功能正确,系统界面友好易用。41079
毕业论文关键词:SOL Server2014;B/S;Asp.net
The design and implementation of sports complex business management system
Fitness venues as a modern service industry more and more popular in recent years, how to manage sports complex, how to develop it into a brand, how to lead to better fitness industry, for fitness enthusiasts to provide better service consumption experience, fitness industry is facing and is an urgent need to solve the problem. At the same time the social economy has entered a period of rapid development, at the same time of constantly improve people's living standard also gradually began to realize the importance of a healthy body, capitalize on scientific management is able to fitness gym stadium business management system. This system is based on information system analysis and design method and theory as a guide, establish the gym business management system as a whole structure, the server model based on B/S structure, again USES the Asp.net technology, the background database using SQL Server2014 build system, programming to realize the variety of fitness programs, unit price, the consumption time, turnover, customer number of statistics and management, etc. Member management including information modification, project query appointments, prepaid phone records, records of consumption, the points for record. Administrators to manage including adding administrators, staff, coaches, and project members, project is scheduled to check, etc. The system shall be able to run properly, the system functions correctly, the system friendly interface and easy to use.
Keywords:SOL Server2014;B/S;Asp.net
目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 项目开发的背景 1
1.2 项目开发的意义 2
2 可行性分析及总体设计原则 4
2.1 总体设计原则 4
2.2 可行性分析 4
(1)技术的可行性 4
(2)经济的可行性 4
(3)管理的可行性 5
(4)开发环境的可行性 5
3系统分析 5
3.1 应用需求分析 5
3.2 系统数据流图 6
3.3 数据字典 7
4 系统设计 8
4.1 设计原则 8
4.2 系统功能模块设计 8
4.3 系统数据库设计 9
4.3.1 数据库概念结构设计 9
4.3.2数据库逻辑结构设计 11
4.3.3 数据库物理结构设计 11
4.4 系统开发工具的选择与简介 14
4.4.1 Asp.net介绍 14
- 上一篇:3D虚拟船体漫游设计
- 下一篇:ASP.net+sqlserver餐馆信息管理系统设计