    摘要:随着全球互联网的迅猛发展,信息处理技术逐渐成熟,目前房产中介公司为了激烈的市场竞争,都在积极的定制或购买业务应用软件,在日常的运营管理中融入科学、有效的科技手段。房产中介公司都期望能够及时准确的了解公司事务管理的整体情况,突破传统的手工记录方式,使效果事半功倍。所以,一个自动化、规范化的计算机管理系统就很有必要。本篇论文着重探讨房产中介信息平台的设计思想和理论基础,根据系统的开发过程和系统的功能实现为主线来论述信息管理平台的开发过程,详细地说明了系统的具体开发步骤、技术架构。系统采用C/S架构,使用C#编程语言和SQL Server数据库语言作为技术实现手段进行开发过程分析和理论研究。本系统可以为房产中介公司提高运营效率,实现信息自动化处理。本系统实现的功能模块包括用户信息管理模块、员工信息模块、交易管理模块、业务统计管理模块、系统管理模块、求租管理模块、出租管理模块。评测与分析结果表明,本系统运行状况良好,达到了预期目标。41073
    毕业论文关键词: 信息管理平台;C#;SQL;C/S架构
    Estate Intermediary Information Platform
    Abstract: With the rapid development of the global Internet, information processing technology matures, at present real estate intermediary companies in the fierce market competition, in the active custom or purchase business application software, in daily operation and management into science, effective scientific and technological means. Real estate conduit company are expected to be able to timely and accurate understanding of the overall situation of the management of the company's affairs, breaking the traditional way of manual recording, so that the results are more effective. Therefore, an automated, standardized computer management system is necessary. This thesis focuses on the design thought and theoretical basis of real estate intermediary information platform, according to the system development process and system functions as the main line to discuss the development process of the information management platform, detailed illustrates the system development steps, to explain. System uses C/S architecture, using C# programming language and Server SQL database language as a means of technology development process analysis and theoretical research. This system can improve the operational efficiency of real estate conduit company, and realize the automation of information processing. Realization of the system function modules include user information management module, employee information module, transaction management module, business statistics management module, system management module, Soliciting the management module, rental management module. Evaluation and analysis results show that the system is in good condition and achieves the expected goal.
    Keywords: Information management platform; C#; SQL; C/S architecture
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题的目的和意义    1
    1.2    国内外研究现状    2
    1.3    发展趋势    3
    2    需求分析    4
    2.1    运行环境需求    4
    2.1.1    硬件环境需求    4
    2.1.2    软件环境需求    4
    2.2    功能需求    4
    2.3    性能需求    5
    2.4    可行性分析    5
    2.4.1    技术可行性    5
    2.4.2    操作可行性    6
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