摘要: 本课题来源于上海华钦信息科技股份有限公司提供的选题。在华钦虚拟银行项目的基础上进行开发。为了能提高银行的工作效率;减少银行工作人员的业务量;并且充分合理得利用资源,同时还需要24小时服务来为用户提供便利,因此选择利用具有海量数据处理能力及高度安全性稳定性的大型机平台来实现。具体使用了IBM Mainframe COBOL作为开发语言,CICS作为应用程序容器, IBM z/OS作为操作系统。由于一个完整的银行外汇业务管理系统非常庞大,完全实现耗时非常久,所以只选取其中两个功能,即外汇敞口限额管理,历史交易查询在毕业设计中予以实现,并使其业务流程与真实的银行外汇交易流程相仿。每个子系统都将有一个面向3270终端的前端程序和一个工作在后台的数据处理程序。目前已实现这两个子系统的核心算法以及演示用的程序,并且已经通过测试。41020
毕业论文关键词: 大型机;外汇;银行业务;敞口限额;历史交易
Foreign exchange management system based on Mainframe
-- Design and implementation of foreign exchange exposure limit management and transaction history inquiry
Abstract: The subject comes from CLPS. Based on the Chinalink Professional Services Virtual Banking System. In order to improve the efficiency of the bank, fully use the resources, and also need to provide a 24-hour convenience for the users, so I choose the mainframe which is safe and efficiently to do this subject. In this project, we use IBM Mainframe COBOL as the programming language, CICS as the application container, and our programme will execute in IBM z/OS. Due to a complete bank foreign business management system is very large and takes a long time, so I select two functions, foreign exchange exposure limit management and transaction history inquiry and make business processes are similar to the real bank foreign exchange process. In this project, there will be a 3270 terminal based front-end programme for interacting with user, and a back-end programme for dealing with data and I/O. And the result is, I've successfully implemented the core algorithm of these two modules.
Keywords: Mainframe; foreign exchange; banking; exposure limits; transaction history
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 iii
1 绪论 1
1.1 目的和意义 1
1.2 课题研究近况与程度 2
1.3 发展趋向 4
1.3.1 大型机技术发展趋势: 4
1.3.2 外汇市场发展趋势: 5
2 环境 7
2.1 运行环境 7
2.2 数据库环境 7
2.3 开发环境 7
2.3.1 Mainframe简介 7
2.3.2 IBM Personal Communication简介 7
2.4 相关开发技术说明 10
2.4.1 COBOL语言(Common Business Oriented Language): 10
2.4.2 VSAM(Virtual Storage Access Method): 11
2.4.3 JCL语言(Job Control Language): 12
2.4.4 CICS(Customer Information Control System): 13
2.4.5 SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture)架构 13
3 分析 15
3.1 文献综述 15
3.2 调研情况 16
- 上一篇:云服务国内外研究现状概况
- 下一篇:jsp+mysql进口机动车质量信息溯源系统设计与实现