    摘 要: 教务管理是高等院校的日常管理的主要工作之一,涉及到学校教学管理的各个方面,包括全校教师、学生、课程、学生成绩,课表,班级,教室等一系列信息。随着现代信息技术的发展,各行各业几乎都离不开信息管理,信息管理可以将大量的数据进行分析,整理,分类,统计。在学校信息管理同样在不断发展,以及不断被大量运用,教务管理就是被大量运用的一方面。所以设计教务管理系统成了必要。同时伴随着学校规模扩大,在校学生人数的不断增加,在校教师形式及学生人数的不断变化加大了教务管理的管理难度。另一方面我们也知道自古以来学生管理,教师管理,课程管理工作一直是使用传统人工的管理方式,这样的人工管理方式存在着效率低、保密性差,大量的各种各样的数据难以查找、更新和文护,造成了办事效率非常低的现状。远远不能适应发展的需要。所以设计教务管理系统是非常重要的。同时本系统是在以sql2008作为后台数据库Microsoft Visual Studio 2008为开发环境来开发的。  38744
    毕业论文关键字: 教学  管理系统  Microsoft Visual Studio 2008   sql2008
     Educational management is one of the main universities of daily management, involved in all aspects of school teaching management, including school teachers, students, curriculum, student achievement, curriculum, classes, classrooms and a series of information. With the development of modern information technology, almost all industries rely heavily on information management, information management can analyze large amounts of data, sorting, classification, statistics. Also in the continuous development of the school of information management, and continue to be a lot of use, educational administration is to be the extensive use of one hand. So the design of educational management system became necessary. Accompanied by school scale, increasing the number of students, changing the number of school teachers and students in the form of increasing the difficulty of management educational administration. On the other hand we also know that since ancient times the student management, teacher management, curriculum management has been to use the traditional manual management methods, such as manual management way has low efficiency, poor security, a large variety of data is difficult to find, updating and maintenance, resulting in a very low efficiency of the status quo. Far from meeting the needs of development. So the design of educational administration system is very important. At the same time this system is to sql2008 as database Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 development environment to develop.
    Key word: Teaching     Management system     Microsoft Visual Studio 2008   sql2008
    目  录

    摘 要:    4
    第1章前言    5
    1.1课题的研究现状:     5
    1.2课题的目的和意义    5
    1.3发展趋势    6
    第2章 需求分析    7
    2.1 系统应用背景    7
    2.2 可行性需求分析     7
    2.2.1. 技术上的可行性      7
    2.2. 2. 经济可行性    8
    2.2.3. 使用可行性:     8
    2.3运行环境    9
    2.3.1支持环境:Internet Information Services IIS 管理器    9
    2.3.2数 据 库:Microsoft SQL Server 2008    9
    2.3.3运行平台:Microsoft Visual Studio 2008    9
    2.4 系统解决方案    10
    2.5 系统功能模块需求分析    12
    2.5.1登陆管理功能模块    12
    2.5.2 管理员桌面功能模块    12
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