摘 要:伴随着中国电信运营商行业新一轮结构的不断调整,与16年前相比,中国电信市场渐渐从一个政企不分的行政垄断结构,演变成现在电信、移动、联通三巨头主导下的寡头垄断市场结构。竞争的硝烟从无到有,甚至出现了局部异常激烈的情况,但与资本主义国情下的国外市场相比,中国电信运作市场的竞争仍然存在着恶意竞争。前台运营和后台计费的支撑能力、反应情况、灵活程度或多或少影响各个运营商们的业务形式多样化,同时也决定了用户体验效果的满意度。原有管理系统无论在业务还是技术层面都有点美中不足,中国电信、移动、联通致力于加强企业信息化建设的步伐,花费了很多的人力、物力、精力投入到改革、创新的潮流中。该毕业设计报告正是针对上述发展趋势,以集智能、便捷、优化为一体的宽带管理系统为主要研究对象。以电信业务行业的运营支撑系统规范及相关文献研究资料作为依据,对本系统进行需求分析和设计调研,并且灵活运用了计算机应用理论、信息管理、软件技术等相关知识进行系统化分析。利用C#分层开发思想以及面对对象编程架构设计研发本系统,包括数据添加、管理、计费,以及综合查询业务这一模块的设计和研发。通过调查行业宽带体系建设技术规范,分析国内外相关行业标准以及现行的收费系统状况,联合国内运营商相关业务市场现状及运作计划,编写本次设计报告。37892
毕业论文关键词:基于c/s架构 ;Winform;宽带收费管理;客户管理系统
Zhai Shan Unicom Broadband Fees Management System
Abstract: With the continuous adjustment of China's telecom operators new round of industry structure, compared with 16 years ago, the Chinese telecom market gradually from administrative monopoly structure of a witch hunt, evolved into Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom under the auspices of the Big Three oligopolistic market structure. Competition smoke flavor from scratch, even the fierce local situation, but compared with other countries under the conditions of market capitalism, competition in China's telecommunications market, there are still functioning malicious competition. Front and back office billing operations support capabilities, the reaction conditions, the degree of flexibility more or less determine the various operators of front-end business model persification, but also determines the user experience satisfaction. The existing management system, whether in business or technical level a little fly in the ointment, China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom is committed to strengthening the pace of enterprise information construction, we spent a lot of manpower, material and energy into reform, innovation trend.The graduation report is the response to these trends, in order to collect intelligence, convenient, optimized for the integration of the broadband management system as the main subject. In OSS system specification and related telecommunications services industry literature studies as the basis for this system requirements analysis and design research, and utilize a computer application theory, information management, software technology and other related knowledge systematically analyzed. Developers use C # hierarchical thinking and object-oriented programming architecture design and development of the system, including data adding, design and R & D management, billing, and comprehensive inquiry service in this module.
Keywords: Based on c / s architecture; Winform; broadband charges management; customer management system
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 简介 1
1.1.1 小引 1 前言 1
- 上一篇:jsp+mysql网上花店管理系统的设计与实现
- 下一篇:jsp+mysql高校毕业生就业信息管理系统设计和实现