    摘要:    智能手机的发展已经进入到了一个全新的时代,无线移动设备迅速发展,Android等手机操作系统层出不穷。不单世界知名的移动设备厂商大力倾注于Android智能机的开发,Android系统的受用群体也正在日益拔高。Android应用程序的多样而又多元化的特点使人们能够快速地获取资讯,换言之,Android让生活更加简单美好。安卓系统的开放性、硬件跨平台性、并行性运行模式、非垄断性的四大特点使其在手机操作系统的竞争中名列前茅。本文着重概述了Android系统的体系结构以及其应用程序所需要的开发环境,还有基于Android系统的手机课程表的应用程序的设计。设计中包含的技术包括:手机课程表程序的用户界面设计,Service的使用,SQLite数据库的建立和存储。其中手机课程表的输入、考试倒计时、课程提醒、课堂笔记记录等四大主体功能将会在论文中进行详细的介绍和描述。37073
    The design and implementation of the super curriculum based on Android
    Abstract:     The development of smart phones has entered a new era, the rapid development of wireless mobile devices, Android and other mobile phone operating systems are endless. Not only the world well-known mobile equipment manufacturers strongly devoted to develop Android smartphone,Android system benefit groups are also increasingly overstating.Android application persity and persity of features so that people can quickly get information, in other words, Android make life easier and better.The openness of the Android system, the cross platform of the hardware, the parallel running mode, the four major features of the non monopoly make it the best competition in the mobile operating system.This paper mainly summarizes the architecture of Android system and the development environment of its application, and the design of mobile phone course based on Android system.The technology included in the design includes: the user interface design of the mobile program, the use of Service, the establishment and storage of SQLite database.Mobile curriculum which input test countdown, reminder program, lecture notes and other records four main functions will be described in detail and described in the paper.
    Keywords:    Android; SQLite;Applications;Development environment;Mobile curriculum
    目  录
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1  绪  论    1
    1.1选题背景    1
    1.2国内外研究状况    1
    1.3运行环境及其开发工具    2
    1.3.1 MyEclipse    2
    1.3.2 Java    3
    1.3.3 Tomcat    3
    1.3.4 MVC模式    3
    1.3.5 Oracle    5
    1.3.6 KindEdit    5
    2  Android的架构概述及开发环境搭建    5
    2.1 Android的架构描述    5
    2.2搭建Android开发环境    7
    2.2.1下载 Android软件开发包    7
    2.2.2其他注意事项    7
    2.2.3环境安装与搭配    7
    3  可行性分析与需求分析    12
    3.1引言    12
    3.2 技术可行性    13
    3.3经济可行性    13
    3.4操作可行性    13
    3.5社会可行性    14
    3.6 需求分析    14
    3.6.1系统开发背景    14
    3.6.2 系统功能的描述    14
    4  系统详细设计    15
    4.1引言    15
    4.2 概要设计    15
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