要:计算机技术在近几十年迅猛发展,所涉及和渗透的领域也是越来越广泛。其中教育也更多的依托计算机网络进行发展,学校的教学和管理的信息化也离不开计算机网络。传统的课程都是在线下进行,即在课程授课,师生之间的交流受到局限。所以就有了本文设计开发的论坛系统,在论坛中学生可以互相交流,也可以和老师交流。本系统实现了登录管理、发帖功能、回复功能、后台管理等功能。系统可以提供一个交流的环境,大家能够畅所欲言,摆脱面对面提问的不习惯和尴尬,也能够节省很多时间,有相同疑问的可以直接浏览前人留下的帖子。系统选用的开发软件是Visual Studio 2012,后台数据库为Access。6081
关键词: 论坛;课程;VS;操作系统;Access
Operating system Tutoring Website - Forum module
Abstract: Recent decades, computer technology has developed rapidly and penetration of the field it involves is becoming more and more widely. Now education also depends on computer network development. School teaching and management is also inseparable from the computer network. The traditional courses are offline, which means that course is taught in the curriculum. Communication between teachers and students has been limited. But when we have the course forum, students can communicate with each other, and exchange their experience. The system achieved a login manager, posting function, reply function, the background management functions. The system can provide a communication environment, we can speak freely, not used to get rid of the face-to-face questioning and embarrassment. Who has the same doubt can directly browse the posts left by their predecessors. It can save time. In the system, the development software is Visual Studio 2012, and the back-end database is Access.
KeyWords:Forum; course; VS; Operating system;Access
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 ii
1. 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2 目的和意义 2
1.3 系统架构 2
1.4 功能特点及优势 3
1.4.1 Bootstrap前端CSS框架 3
1.4.2 Ajax和jQuery技术 4
1.5 ASP.NET 技术 4
1.5.1 发展起源 4
1.5.2 工具支持 5
1.5.3 强大适应 5
1.5.4 简单易学 6
1.5.5 可管理性 6
2. 系统需求分析 8
2.1 系统功能概述 8
2.1.1 系统功能需求 8
2.1.2 用例分析 8
2.2 系统性能要求 15
2.2.1 系统灵活性 15
2.2.2 输入输出要求 15
2.3 可行性分析 16
2.3.1 社会可行性 16
2.3.2 技术可行性 16
2.3.3 经济可行性 16
2.3.4 操作可行性 16
3. 系统总体结构设计 17
3.1 概念结构设计 17
3.2 数据字典 17
3.3 数据流图 19
3.4 状态转换图 19
4. 系统的详细设计 22
4.1 数据库总体设计 22
- 上一篇:VC++贪吃蛇游戏设计+流程图
- 下一篇:ASP.net+sqlserver旅游信息网站设计+ER图