    摘要:     在当今这个时代,快速发展起来的计算机行业给我们的日常生活带来了很大变化,信息化已经不仅仅应用于工作中,更开始应用在我们的生活中。书本作为知识的源泉,原本以人工为主的图书馆已经跟不上时代的潮流,因此建立图书馆系统成了当务之急,特别是社区的图书馆,使读者能在最近的地方更方便地获取书籍。本课题基于Java语言,使用Eclipse软件进行编程。由于主题是社区图书馆借阅系统,经过调研和分析,将系统分为四个部分,分别是基础数据文护、新书订购管理、借阅管理和系统文护。在程序设计的过程中,需要对类的使用和作用有较为详细的了解,才能达到想要的运行效果。如Radio Button的使用,想要按下一个按钮时,前一个按下的按钮自动弹起,光光使用Radio Button是不行的,还需要将其放在Radio Button Group之中才行。本系统采用SQL Server 2008 R2作为数据库,保证系统的正常运行。35552
    毕业论文关键词:    Java;Eclipse;图书馆;借阅;数据库
    Design and implementation of community library system
    Abstract: In this era, the quickly developing of the computer industry brought great changes to our daily life. Information technology has not only applied in the work, the more application in our life. Books as a source of knowledge, originally by manual work as the main method of the library has to keep up with the trend of the times, thus the establishment of the library system has become  a top priority, especially of the community library, it can make readers access the books as easy as possible in the nearest place. This topic is based on Java language, using the Eclipse software. Because of the theme of community library system, through research and analysis, the system is pided into four parts, which are basic data maintenance, book order management, loan management and system maintenance. In the program design process, for achieving the good results, I need to have a detailed understanding of the use and function . Such as the use of Radio Button, when you press a button, the button which has been pressed would be automatically pop-up, only using Radio Button  is not enough,  I need to put them in the Radio Button Group. This system uses SQL Server 2008 R2 as the database to ensure the normal operation of the system.
    Keywords:    Java; Eclipse; Library; Loan; Database
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题的目的和意义    1
    1.2    国内外研究现状与水平    1
    1.3    发展趋势    2
    2    开发工具及相关技术    4
    2.1    开发工具    4
    2.1.1    Rational Rose简介    4
    2.1.2    Eclipse简介    4
    2.2    运行环境    4
    2.2.1    JDK简介    4
    2.2.2    Microsoft SQL Server数据库简介    5
    2.2.3    运行环境的搭建    5
    2.3    相关技术    5
    2.3.1    JDBC操作数据库    5
    2.3.2    获得图片    6
    2.4    C/S系统结构    6
    3    需求分析    8
    3.1    可行性分析    8
    3.1.1    系统可行性    8
    3.1.2    经济可行性    8
    3.1.3    社会可行性    8
    3.2    系统需求分析    9
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