摘要随着移动端4G时代和互联网时代的到来,智能手机正越来越受普通用户的喜爱,所占市场份额也越来越大。2014年8月中旬,知名的移动互联网第三方数据整合营销和数据挖掘机构iiMedia Research发布了《2014上半年中国智能手机市场监测报告》。数据显示,2014年上半年,仅中国地区智能手机市场销量就达到18556.3万部,并且全球智能手机市场整体增长趋于平稳。在各操作系统方面,Android系统占89.9%,已然形成在中国智能手机市场上的主导地位。32618
(1) 文件加密管理器对隐私文件进行加密处理,并且将会对数据进行二次加密,第一次加密数据,第二次加密密钥,增加安全性。
(2) 应用锁对隐私应用进行锁定,对于锁定的应用,除非输入正确的解锁码,否则并不能打开该应用。
(3) 权限控制对应用运行过程中所使用的权限进行控制,可以选择控制某一应用的某项权限,控制后该应用将不能进行相关操作。
关键词 权限控制 文件加密 应用锁 Android开发
Title Mobile privacy protection system
With the advent of mobile phones and the Internet era of 4G era, smart phones are increasingly subject to the ordinary user's favorite, market share is growing. In mid-August 2014, the well-known mobile Internet marketing third-party data integration and data mining agency iiMedia Research released the "first half of 2014 China's smart phone market monitoring report." Data show that the first half of 2014, only the smart phone market sales in China reached 185.563 million, and the overall growth of the global smart phone market has stabilized. In the operating system, Android system accounted for 89.9%.
The main object of this study is the privacy protection system under Android system. By studying the Android operating system and the principle of xposed framework, without changing the system kernel, based on the framework established by Xposed a control program for Android applications and application access control lock. The main results are as follows:
(1) File encryption for privacy manager encrypt files, after the software encrypted files without decryption software by this will be very difficult to decrypt.
(2) The application of privacy application lock to lock, the locking applications, in addition to other people outside the original owner will be difficult to open the application, in principle, it is almost impossible to open.
(3) Access control application for permission to run the process used to control, you can select a control in a right application, the application will not perform any operation after control.
Keywords Permission control File Encryption Application lock Android development
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 背景介绍 1
1.1.1 智能手机发展与现状 1
1.1.2 隐私应用市场现状及趋势 3
1.2 课题目标及主要内容 4
1.3 章节安排 4
1.4 本章小结 4
2 课题综述及其涉及的技术 5
2.1 智能手机安全防护系统简介 5
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