    本文首先进行了可行性分析,然后是系统开发工具的确定,紧接着是系统分析,通过去成人高校调查得出结论,确定了主体属性;紧接着是系统总体设计阶段,在这个阶段我主要完成了概念设计,最后完成了数据库的设计。根据分析所得,我决定采用JSP技术来实现页面的登陆与显示登陆成功,在数据库的方面我根据所要用的管理数据的功能,及数据库的特性,采用了SQL Server 2005。本系统的实施是以能在Windows上运行做基础,只要教务人员会基本的电脑操作,操作简单。
    Design and Implementation of Adult College  Student Information Management System
    Abstract: With the development of computer technology, a lot of functions have gradually entered the information age. In order to make Adult college student information management more efficitivet, more scientific, the college have determined to develop a Adult college student information management system system.
    In this paper, in the first, I have researched a analysis, and decided the developing materials; and then system analysis, after the true research from the college ,determine the system properties. And then completed the system design phase, the overall design phase is mainly pided into functional modules, I finished the conceptual design. In the final, I finished the design of the database.After the analysis and design, the system has used JSP technology to design the login page and show the successful login page. I also use SQL2005 database because of its features and function . The implementation of this system is based on the running of Microsoft Windows. If the staff can use computer, they can also run the system, and it’s so easy.
    Keywords: Adult college student information management system ; Structuration ; jsp
    目  录
    第1章  绪论    1
    1.1 开发背景    1
    1.2 系统简介    2
    第2章  系统的开发工具    3
    2.1  MYECLIPSE介绍    3
    2.2  SQL SERVER 2005 介绍    3
    第3章  系统分析    4
    3.1 可行性分析    4
    3.1.1  经济可行性    4
    3.1.2  技术可行性    4
    3.1.3  社会可行性    4
    3.2  需求分析    4
    3.3  流程图    5
    3.4  数据流图    6
    第4章  系统设计    8
    4.1 概念设计    8
    4.2 数据库设计    12
    第5章  系统实现    14
    5.1 登陆管理    14
    5.2 专业管理    15
    5.3 班级管理    17
    5.4 课程管理    18
    5.5 学籍管理    19
    5.6 成绩管理    21
    第6章  总结与展望    23
    6.1 总结    23
    6.2 展望    23
    毕业设计体会    24
    致谢    25
    参考文献    26
    英文翻译资料    27
    第1章  绪论
    1.1 开发背景
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