    摘  要:进入新的世纪以来,经济的快速发展,让很多东西都快速的淘汰了,好多新型的东西也逐渐进入我的视野,而更有好多以前很贵的东西,渐渐降价普及了,汽车逐渐走进了千家万户。而汽车作为一种高价位消费品,结合我国低购买力的国情,很多人就买不起汽车了,所以商家推出了一种新的业务:汽车租赁。32362
    the Design and Implementation of Car Rental System
     Abstract: Since entering the new century, the rapid development of economy, make a lot of things are quickly eliminated, a lot of new things also gradually into my field of vision, and more have a lot of expensive things, before gradually popularized the reduction, an improved people's quality of life also, the pace of life has become faster, car gradually into the thousands. As a kind of high prices of consumer goods and cars, combining with the condition of low purchasing power in our country, not everyone can afford, so they gave birth to a new business opportunities - car rental business.Car rental is mainly to provide car rental business, need to use the front desk mainly includes customer register, check the vehicle information, car rental, etc., the background mainly includes the basic information of the vehicle information management, customer management institutions, the management of insurance company, department, etc., really make vehicle leasing becomes more convenient, fast. In order to enable customers to rent the car is more convenient and quick, leasing company employees to reduce workload. Primary vehicles for information needs to consider the most basic, should have the following functions: user registration, car rental business, also business, basic information management, customer management institution, insurance company management, department, employee information management. A car rental system has the function of these words in essence can form a small car rental company, let the customer to rent the car more convenient, leasing company also greatly reduce the workload.
    Keywords: Car; JSP;Lease; Management
    目  录
    第1章  绪论    1
    1.1 系统开发背景与发展前景    1
    1.1.1 开发背景    1
    1.1.2 发展前景    1
    1.2 汽车租赁系统目的和意义    1
    1.3 系统的功能设计    2
    1.4 本文研究内容及主要贡献    2
    第2章  需求分析    4
    2.1 功能模块需求    4
    2.2 对性能的规定    4
    2.2.1 精度    4
    2.2.2 时间特性要求    4
    2.2.3 灵活性    4
    2.3 故障处理要求    5
    2.4 其他专门要求    5
    2.5 本章小结    5
    第3章  系统开发环境和技术    6
    3.1 系统的开发环境    6
    3.2 系统开发涉及到的技术    6
    3.2.1  SQL Server的介绍    6
    3.2.2  Myeclipse的介绍    6
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