    关键词  SDN Mininet Floodlight DNS报文分析
    Title    a SDN-based Malicious Website Protection         
    In the OpenFlow-based network environment,it is possible to achieve what it used to be impossible with the traditional network security application.The traditional
    solution to prevent phishing site is not applicable in the SDN-based network environment,because when compared to the traditional network environment,the dynamic update of the flow table message will be more frequent and complicated.
    So it is necessary to develop a new firewall application and security framework,and  make full use of the operability and flexibility of the OpenFlow-based network environment to have realtime monitoring and make fine-grained violation resolution of the network state,so as to make timely,effective and reliable solution to changeable network environment.The main work are as follow:
    (1)    Analyzed and studied the current attack pattern of DNS-based phishing site,summarized and analyzed the relevant technology and the attacking process.
    (2)    Based on the analysis of the traditional DNS-based phishing attacks,designed and implemented a prototype of SDN-based malicious website protection module,achieved the filtration of malicious domains and blocking such traffic.
    (3)    Performed experiments on the designed module,the results showed that the system can filter unsafe phishing websites when user surf the internet at the same time at only a small overhead to the user's network access speed.
    Keywords  SDN Mininet Floodlight DNS packet analysis
    目   次
    1    引言    1
    1.1  研究背景与目的    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.3  研究内容    3
    1.4  组织结构    3
    2    SDN和环境配置    5
    2.1  SDN定义    5
    2.1.1  ONF SDN架构定义    5
    2.1.2    ETSI NFV架构定义    6
    2.1.3    OpenDaylight开源项目    7
    2.2  MININET仿真环境    8
    2.2.1    Mininet特性    8
    2.2.2    Mininet实验环境的配置流程    9
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