    关键字  智慧网络路由 智慧网络 路由协议Linux系统
    Title     The Study of Smart Network Routing Technology                  
    With the rapid spread and growth of the Intemet,the draw-backs and the shortcomings of traditional network architecture appear gradually.The current Internet architecture and mechanisms are relatively static and rigid. The evolution and development based on the Internet can not meet the communication demand of high-speed, efficient, massive, ubiquitous fundamentally,and make it hardto achieve network scalability,mobility,security.And even hard to make efficient,convenient and safe use of network resources. in this paper, we find a routing technology which satisfy the smart network under the smart and cooperative network architecture with three layers and two realms.This intelligent routing technology can set Intelligent service routing node between three layers and two realms, And deploy the appropriate routing algorithm on a node,Autonomously build Interconnection  between three layers and two realms. This paper studies mainly aim to the shortcomings of routing algorithm in the routing process for current Internet architecture, Designing a routing algorithm with balanced load and effective QoS supply.
    Keywords  Smart network route Smart Network Route protocol Linux system
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  当前研究现状    1
    1.3  智慧网络体系结构    2
    1.4  章节安排    3
    1.5  本章小节    4
    2  智慧服务对网络的需求    5
    2.1  智慧图书馆对网络的需求    5
    2.2  智慧校园对网络的需求    5
    2.3  智慧城市对网络的需求    6
    2.4  本章小节    6
    3  智慧网络路由协议设计与实现    7
    3.1  需求分析    7
    3.2  概要设计    7
    3.3  详细设计与实现    8
    3.4  本章小节    13
    4  智慧网络路由协议运行与测试    13
    4.1  智慧网络路由协议初始化模块    14
    4.2  智慧网络分类处理模块    15
    4.3  本章小节    21
    结  论    22
    致  谢    23
    1  绪论
    1.1  研究背景
    随着互联网的飞速发展,信息已经成为推动社会发展的巨大动力。而网络作为信息的载体,如今已经影响人类社会生活的方方面面,成为人们不可缺少的一部分。没有了网络,我们相当于与世隔绝。CNNIC的数据最新显示:截至2013年11月底,中国网民数量已达到6.13亿,互联网的普及率为45.7%[ ]
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