    摘要:    internet飞速发展的今天,互联网已经变成大家便利收取、传播和发送消息的主要方式,它在如今的各行各业有着不可或缺的作用。互联网上传播消息的主要渠道是网站,获得信息也要在互联网中依靠一些特定的搜索方式将所想要得到的的信息从网上下载下来。因此网站建设在internet应用上的地位显而易见,它以成为政府、企业事业单位信息化建设中的重要组成部分,从而备受人们的重视。29951
    毕业论文关键词:     ASP; Access; 档案信息管理; 数据库技术;网站建设
    The design and implementation of the document management information system
    Abstract:  The internet develop soon quikly today, the Internet becomes more and more popular to people and obtain by people.People release and deliver the important t information quickly by internet. It play an important role in politics,economic life. Much information is mainly passed by Internet, and obtain information in the internet"ocean" according to certain inspectional way which will need of the information carries down up and down from the website.So the website construction at the internet applied is obviously important, it become much important in the information-based construction of government,and the business enterprise business unit .So people put more and more attention on internet. Internet do good for us.
          In order to improve the teacher's information management system, improve th work efficiency, avoid the mistake of the artificial management in the meantime, so I manufacture the teacher the information management system.The system has about several modules:recording electronic document archival information ,post-modifying electronic document archive information,call up the electronic document file of information,electronic document archive information paper print and electronic document archive account management. In a word, the management can satisfy the management of teachers information for the school.In the meantime because of this system according to the B/S structure, so show its function by the form of the website can also adapted the development of internet’s flying to soon currently of present condition.
          This system use a popular language ASP as programming language. Being the development language ASP is easy to study and understand, but the function is still very strong.The backstage choice---Access is a kind of database.This kind of database can make medium or small scaled system. Its agood chiose indeed. Adopting another tool Dreamweaver to beautify a web page, the result is very good.
    Keywords:ASP; Access; The management of techers; Database;The website construct 

    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    4
    第一章开发工具介绍    5
    1.1 ASP介绍    5
    1.2 DREAMWEAVER MX 2004简介    6
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