本文概述了公司员工信息管理系统的技术可行性分析和总体设计,采用SQL Server 2008和Microsoft Visual Studio 2010作为开发工具。通过实际需求调查,设计了登陆模块、系统用户管理、部门信息管理、人力资源管理、薪资管理的模块。本系统采用客服端/服务器端的架构,可以使员工信息的管理更加方便,并且在系统的设计和完成后进行了一系列的模拟测试,通过测试证明了系统的可操作性和正确性。整个系统和操作方便操作并且系统的安全性好。
Company Employee Information Management System Design and Implementation
Abstract : In recent years, with the competition between enterprises is more and more intense, Master the quantity and quality of resources will determine how far the enterprise can go in the future. The development of information technology will be more and more important in the development of enterprises. The Employee information management system for the company to make the right decisions for the correct decision to provide a reference and basis.
This paper outlines the company personnel information management system of technical feasibility analysis and the overall design, adopt SQL Server 2008 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 as development tool, through the actual demand survey design landing module, user management system, information management, human resource management, salary management module. The system uses client / server architecture can make employee information management more convenient, and in system design and after the completion of a series of simulation tests, the test results show that the system can operate and correct. The whole system and operation easy operation and the system's security is good.
Key words: Performance Examine;.NET technology;Database system Applications
1绪论 5
1.1选题的意义 5
1.2国内外研究现状与水平 5
1.3发展趋势 6
2 系统分析 7
2.1总体分析 7
2.1.1 可行性分析 7
2.1.2 需求分析 8
2.2“公司员工信息管理系统”设计的开发工具 9
2.2.1.Net 9
2.2.2 SQL Server 10
2.2.3 .NET Framework 11
3系统设计 12
3.1系统功能结构 12
3.1.1超级管理员功能结构 13
3.1.2管理员功能结构 14
3.1.3员工功能结构 15
3.2总体架构设计 16
3.3数据库设计 16
3.3.1 公告信息表 17
3.3.2 管理员信息 18
3.3.3 部门信息 18
3.3.4 工资信息 18
3.3.5 奖惩记录表 19
3.3.6 培训信息表 19
3.3.7 员工考勤表 20
3.3.8 员工信息表 20
3.3.9 招聘信息表 21
4 系统实现 21
4.1登陆模块功能 22
4.2系统用户管理功能 24
4.3部门信息管理模块功能 28
4.4人力资源管理模块功能 32
4.5薪资管理模块功能 33
4.6考勤管理模块功能 36
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