    摘要Android系统是谷歌公司基于Linux内核,利用JAVA语言开发出来的操作平台。特有的开放性使其在众多操作系统中有着明显的优势,因此智能手机与平板电脑基本上都搭载着Android系统。电子商务在近几年得到了迅速的发展,同时在移动终端利用Internet在网上进行购物的消费方式已经成为主流。电子商务和移动终端网购相互结合,便产生了具有广阔发展前景的移动电子商务。基于安卓平台的网上书店是Android平台与电子商务结合的产物。其后台Web服务器端由SSH框架来设计,客户端由Android SDK设计。在客户端实现用户浏览、查询和购买图书等功能,在后台服务器端实现图书信息以及订单的管理。数据库方面选择了Mysql 5.5,从而实现客户端和后台服务器端的数据存储与传输。通过可行性测试之后,此次基于安卓平台的网上书店的各项功能均已能够在Android手机上成功实现。28436
    关键词  Android;SSH;电子商务
    Title    Design and implementation of online bookstore based on   Android mobile phone platform                                      
    Android system is the Google Corporation based on the Linux kernel, the use of JAVA language development platform.The unique openness of its many operating system has obvious advantages, so the smart phone and tablet PC basically equipped with Android system.E-commerce in the past few years has been rapid development, while the mobile terminal using Internet online shopping mode of consumption has become the mainstream.The combination of e-commerce and mobile terminal net purchases has generated the mobile e-commerce which has the broad prospects for development.
    The online bookstore based on Android platform is the product of the combination of Android platform and e-commerce.Its background Web server is designed by the SSH framework, and the client is designed by SDK Android.In the client to achieve user browse, query and purchase books and other functions, in the background server to achieve the library information and order management.The database chooses the Mysql 5.5, thus the data storage and transmission of the client and the backstage server are realized.After the feasibility of the test, the Android based platform for the online bookstore functions have been able to successfully achieve on Android mobile phone.
    Keywords  Android; SSH; E-commerce
    目 次
    1  引言    1
    1.1 研究背景    2
    1.1.1   移动电子商务    2
    1.1.2   Android平台    2
    1.1.3   SSH框架    3
    1.2   国内外应用现状    4
    1.2.1   电子商务应用现状    4
    1.2.2   Android应用现状    5
    1.3   研究的目的和主要内容    5
    1.3.1   研究的目的    5
    1.3.2   研究的主要内容    6
    2  系统需求分析    6
    2.1  功能需求分析    6
    2.2   数据库需求分析    7
    2.3   开发环境及硬件需求    7
    3  系统概要设计    8
    3.1  总体功能    8
    3.2  E-R图    9
    3.3  数据库设计    10
    4  详细设计    13
    4.1  总体流程设计    13
    4.2  系统逻辑结构设计    14
    4.2.1  Android客户端逻辑结构设计    14
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