    Traverse survey layout simple and convenient measurement, high efficiency advantages, has become the most extensive means control survey. In traverse survey within the industry, most will use adjustment software to process the data, in order to reduce the workload and processing personnel in the industry to improve working efficiency and guarantee the smooth completion of the construction schedule. At present, there are many techniques have been mature on the market adjustment software, such as, tsinghua three-dimensional, such as poor south's easy, this software can solve the problem of data processing are mostly wires, can meet the requirements of the vast majority of users, get their consistent high praise. However, these software in use is more complex, at the same time during the process of processing data is not intuitive, the shortcomings of high prices. Therefore, units and inpiduals have positive development for their work in the software project, although these software can meet the needs of a project, but its function is relatively single, such as software gets only adjustment result but cannot assess accuracy; Or software using approximate adjustment principle, the accuracy can be met. The use of these software will not suitable for all projects, it is difficult to promote to use for most people. Therefore, research the needs of the user, write suitable wire adjustment program is to solve at the present stage project lead data processing is the most suitable method. The software is integrated with the main functions, not only can make up for the conductor in the process of data processing is not intuitive, complex operation, etc, and can save project funding, efficiency, and satisfy the needs of the project work.
    Using c + +, VB programming language such as the wire, write algorithm is more complex, debugging more troublesome. Matlab has strong matrix processing capacity, the use of the wire mesh data structure design, based on that of wire net adjustment program design and development, can reduce the coding work, so as to improve work efficiency.
    Key words:MATLAB,  traverse net,  survey adjustmen,  Program Design.
    目   录
    摘   要    I
    Abstract    II
  1. 上一篇:公共安全低质图像质量提升算法与软件开发
  2. 下一篇:基于vb语言开发的测量程序应用+源程序
  1. 基于MATLAB的图像增强算法设计

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