    摘要随着现代科学技术的飞速发展,人们接受到网络带来的形式多样的信息,从网络上出现第一张图片再到如今形式多样的三文动画和网络视频,网络使人们的视听觉获得了飞跃般的提升。在还没有出现流媒体技术的时候,如果想知道媒体传达的信息,必须经过漫长的下载过程,将多媒体内容下载到本地。而流媒体技术让这些变得不同,无需等待媒体内容全部下载完成即可获得媒体内容信息。 应用流媒体技术不仅能提升人们的生活质量,而且还提高了警务人员的办公效率。流式媒体接入、转发及推送相对于普通媒体而言有了质的飞跃与提高,传输速度更快,传输质量更高。
      本文出自南京市公安局视频侦察平台项目,开发移动警务专用流媒体服务平台,能够供移动警务实时上传视频接入,提供各类接口与现有警务平台进行对接;同时能够针对现有的已接入公安图像专网的视频资源,进行流化转码发送,供移动警务终端进行调阅。本文的工作主要有以下几点:(1)实现视频格式的编码转换,借助 FFMPEG平台进行格式间的转化; (2)实现转码后的视频上传,搭建 RED5 流媒体服务器,通过移动终端拍摄的视频经 RTMP 协议打包,在自行搭建的服务器上通过JW PLAYER 播放。  25888
    毕业论文关键字:流媒体   FFMPEG  视频转码  RTMP   RED5
     Title   The Design and Implementation of  Streaming Media Access、Forward and Push Software       
      With the rapid development of modern technology, the network gave rise
    to various forms of information, from the first pictures appeared on the
    Internet now and then various forms of network video and 3D animation,
    networks allow people to  feel like a leap promotion  on  audiovisual.
    However, before the emergence of streaming media technology, people must
    first download the multimedia content to the local computer, after a long
    wait (because of the limited bandwidth and download usually takes a long
    time), you can see or hear media message. Thankfully, after the emergence
    of streaming media technology, people will no longer have to wait for the
    media full download is complete. Application of streaming media technology
    can not only improve the  quality of people's lives, but also improve office
    efficiency of police officers streaming media access, forward and push 
    with respect to the general media has been a qualitative leap in terms of
    increased transmission speed, higher transmission quality.
      This article from the Nanjing Public Security Bureau investigation
    platform video project , to develop mobile police special streaming service
    platform  . Mobile police can access real-time upload video, offer  various
    interfaces with existing police platform for docking; at the same time
    being able to cater for existing POLICE have access to the video image
    private network resources, fluidized transcoding transmission for mobile
    terminals access to the police.  The main work of this article are as
    follows: (1) implement transcoding video formats, with FFMPEG format between platforms; (2) achieve transcoded video upload, build RED5
    streaming server, captured by the mobile terminal video by RTMP protocol
    pack on their own servers built by JW PLAYER playback.
    Keywords: Streaming media    FFMPEG    Video transcoding   RTMP   RED5
    目   次
    1  绪论  .  1
    1.1  课题研究背景    1
    1.2  研究意义  .  1
    1.3  国内外研究发展情况    1
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