    摘要:近年来,旅游业的发展越来越快,钟山风景区是我国著名的旅游胜地,专门为钟山风景区设计一款旅游APP不仅能为广大游客更方便的游览景区,还提供了其它的景区服务。本系统基于C/S架构的移动手机旅游APP,通过移动设备对钟山风景区信息进行查看,实现用户注册登录、密码修改、景点查看、天气查询、周边信息搜索、历史搜索查看、个人定位、地图导航、路径规划等功能。本系统基于Android开发平台,以Android studio为系统的主要开发工具,以JAVA语言进行开发,综合Android应用开发技术、高德地图技术、POI周边搜索技术等技术,同时利用Bmob云数据库建立系统的后台数据库来实现各系统功能模块。通过在手机上安装生成的apk文件,进行系统测试,现已实现各个功能模块的开发,且系统测试均已通过。25176
    Design and implementation of the tourism information service system of Zijin Mountain scenic spot based on Android
    Abstract:In recent years, with the rapid development of the tourism industry , the Zijin Mountain scenic area is a famous tourist resort in China.Especially the Zijin Mountain scenic area can not only design a APP for the majority of visitors to visit scenic spots more conveniently, but also provide other scenic area service. This system based on the mobile phone travel APP of C/S architecture, can carry out user registration login, password changes, attractions check, weather query, peripheral information search, search history view, personal positioning, map navigation, path planning and other functions,through  the information of the Zijin Mountain scenic area mobile devices. This system is developed to realize the function module of the system based on Android platform, using Android s Tudio as the main development tool system, developed by the JAVA language, Android application development technology, Gao De map technology, POI perimeter search technology, and also by using system Bmob cloud database .APK files generated by  installing in the mobile phone system testing, can achieve the development of various functional modules through the systemt  tests. Finally the system tests have passed.
    Key words: Zijin Mountain scenic area; Android; Gaode map; Bmob cloud database
    目  录 基于Android的风景区旅游信息服务系统的设计与实现
    Key words1
    1 绪论1
    1.1 选题背景、意义1
    1.2 国内外研究概况2
    1.3 研究目的和内容2
    1.3.1 研究目的2
    1.3.2 研究内容3
    1.4 技术路线3
    1.5 论文结构3
    2 Android钟山风景区旅游APP的开发技术4
        2.1 Android程序开发技术4
    2.1.1 Activity4
    2.1.2 BaseAdapter4
    2.2 Bmob云数据库4
    2.3 高德地图技术5
    2.4 POI搜索技术5
    3 Android移动办公的需求分析5
    3.1 系统功能业务需求5
    3.2 基于UML的钟山风景区旅游APP的需求分析6
    3.2.1 系统用例图6
    3.2.2 系统活动图7
    3.2.3 系统类图10
    4 系统设计11
    4.1 数据库设计11
    4.1.1 数据库概念结构设计11
    4.1.2 数据库逻辑结构设计14
    4.2 系统顺序图16
    5 系统实现17
    5.1 系统界面布局17
    5.2 高德地图功能17    
        5.2.1 Android地图SDK17
    5.2.2 路径规划18
    5.2.3 地图导航19
    5.3 POI周边搜索20
    5.4 Bmob云数据库设计21
    6 系统测试22
    6.1 登录注册22
    6.2 密码修改23
    6.3 天气查询24
    6.4 用户评论24
    6.5 周边查看25
    6.6 路径规划25
    6.7 地图导航26
    6.8 周边搜索26
    7 总结与展望27
        7.1 总结27
        7.2 展望27
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